public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from albertouine


Deployer — Deployment Tool for PHP

by 2 others
There are a lot of deployment tools, even in php. But none of them are simple and functional like Deployer.



Lucane Groupware - Présentation

Lucane est un groupware libre et gratuit, écrit en Java.

by 11 others (via)
Ce site se compose d' un ensemble d'articles et de classes ecrites en PHP (PHP 4 et PHP5) ainsi que de leur documentation respective.

by 177 others (via)
Join the social music revolution at It's fun, it's free, it's all about the music.

The Linux Documentation Project

by 2 others (via)
Documentations linux: howto, guides, man pages

squidfingers / code / dhtml / scrollwin

by 1 other (via)
Awesome background patterns and cool javascript examples

Using JSF with AJAX

Using JavaServer Faces Technology with AJAX

albertouine's TAGS


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****   accessibilité   admin   ajax   art   bd   blog   browser   clever   compatibility   css   custom   customize   database   db   deploy   design   dev   development   dhtml   doc   documentation   drag'n'drop   eclipse   electro   enrichie   exposition   extension   firefox   flash   framework   fun   games   geeks   gmail   google   graphics   greasemonkey   groupware   guide   hack   harmonica cours   how-to   howto   html   ibm   interface   java   javascript   label   lang:fr   lego   library   links   linux   man   maps   mozilla   music   musique   object   object-oriented   online   opensource   oriented   photo   php   pixel   plugin   podcast   programming   project management   qualité   radio   regex   reporting   ressource   robot   script   scripts   service   sql   template   test   tips   tools   tooltips   tutorial   tutorials   unit   videgames   vintage   web   webcomic   webdesign   wiki   windows   wordpress   xml   xmlhttprequest