public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tag resume

December 2007

Resume Distribution Services for Job-Seekers acts as a gateway between recruiting companies and job seekers. The services provided range from close assistance to writing a resume, to the resume blasting feature which sends the resume to a great deal of recruiting companies, via fax or email. Recruiting companies are not charged anything, only the job seekers are charged a flat monthly fee. Distribute your resumes to recruiters of your choice. is a prospecting tool used by job seekers to connect directly with recruiters by using accurate contact information.

February 2007

When a Friend Becomes Your Boss (or Vice Versa)

With demanding work schedules and long commutes, it’s no wonder that many workers make friends with their co-workers. But these friendships can be jolted by workplace changes, including promotions. When you become your friend’s manager — or your friend becomes yours — it changes not only your working relationship but also your friendship. Experts

September 2006

Top 10 Most Popular College Majors

If you’re currently pondering what to settle on as your major–or even if you’re just curious what tomorrow’s job applicants are majoring in today–here’s a top 10 list for you. A word of warning: The popularity of majors often has little to do with actual demand for related fields in the workplace. The career fields with the most opportunities do not always appeal to the student masses. And the majors that sound most exciting to students don’t always lead to equally snazzy-sounding jobs.

10 Things That Will Get You Fired

After spending weeks — or months — diligently looking for the perfect job, the last thing you want is to be forced back onto the job market. A few wrong steps, however, and you might see a pink slip before a paycheck. If you want to guarantee your spot in the unemployment line, try some of these moves: 1. Don’t bother learning what’s expected of you. Sit down with your manager and make sure you understand exactly what your job entails, your deadlines and any relevant department policies. This eliminates ambiguity and ensures you’ll know how your performance measures up.

August 2006

Tech worker with hot skills getting paid more

About 51% of IT workers are earning some form of additional compensation–often a bigger base salary–because they have skills that employers are hungry for or are afraid to lose. If your skills are hot, your pay is pretty cool. More than half of IT professionals are earning premiums because of their certified and noncertified skills

July 2006

Employers Want M.B.A.s with Quality Work Experience

David Speicher is looking for a few good M.B.A.s who have made their share of mistakes. To Mr. Speicher, head of human resources for a Philadelphia asset-management firm, the best M.B.A. students have made enough decisions and mistakes in their careers to have gained some valuable insight. “When someone makes one of those nausea-inducing errors in judgment,” he explains, “he or she comes away with a blend of confidence and humility.”

The Path To Freelance Success: The Secret Is Knowing Where To Look

Would you like to break out of a regular job and start freelancing? Perhaps you’ve got the skills, but are not quite sure where to start looking for work, or how to deal with the business side of freelance work? Freelance marketplace websites specialise in bringing together clients looking to outsource projects and skilled professional contractors