public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from YukuanMark with tags choice & electrics

July 2006


本書盡可能採取簡潔扼要的方式說明,並佐以豐富插圖以加深讀者理解,希望能啟發讀者發明新的電子產品並提升電路學實力。 無論您是對身邊的電路不懂或是閱讀電路書籍遭遇因難,即使是非電氣領域讀者只要具備國中程度的知識輕鬆讀完本書,就能了解電路的原理及基本概念,是坊間同類書籍中最容易了解的入門書。

May 2006

Introductory Circuit Analysis

THE most widely acclaimed text in the field for more than three decades, Introductory Circuit Analysis provides introductory-level students with the most thorough, understandable presentation of circuit analysis available. Exceptionally clear explanations