public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from YukuanMark with tags book & programming

October 2006

Robot Programming : A Practical Guide to Behavior-Based Robotics

Jones, one of the inventors of the first widely adopted consumer robot,introduces the history and theory behind behavior-based programming, teaches skills needed for programming a robot, and provides readers with a virtual robot on a web site to test prog

August 2006


此處格式化的很多章節都是從 中國Linux論壇 Limodou 管理的"Python 編 程"板塊中得來!向先行者表示感謝!



June 2006

世紀末軟體革命 復刻版


May 2006

Notes on Effective C++

In short, it was claimed that the approach to C++ coding therein was behind the times, not up to date with current C++ practices, particularly as described in the popular Effective C++ books by Scott Meyers.

Compiler Construction: Principles & Practice

Compilers are computer programs that translate one language to another.

April 2006

Beyond Java

by 1 other
Beyond Java will teach you what a new language needs to succeed, so when things do change, you'll be more prepared. And even if you think Java is here to stay, you can use the best techniques from frameworks introduced in this book to improve what you're

Programming Robot Controllers

Included with Programming Robot Controllers are all the software tools that you will require to develop your own robot applications. I choose the Microchip PIC16F627 microcontroller because it has flash memory (allowing it to be easily reprogrammed withou

March 2006

Patterns for Time-Triggered Embedded Systems

Embedded software is ubiquitous. It forms a core component of an enormous range of systems, from aircraft, passenger cars and medical equipment, to childrens’ toys, video recorders and microwave ovens. This book provides a complete and coherent set of s