public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from XavierMilaret with tags prospective & déplacement


HEAT (Health economic assessment tool)

This tool is designed to help you conduct an economic assessment of the health benefits of walking or cycling by estimating the value of reduced mortality that results from specified amounts of walking or cycling. The tool can be used in a number of different situations, for example: * when planning a new piece of cycling or walking infrastructure. * to value the reduced mortality from past and/or current levels of cycling or walking * to provide input into more comprehensive economic appraisal exercises, or prospective health impact assessments.


Millénaire 3

by 1 other
Millénaire 3 est un outil de connaissance de la métropole lyonnaise au service des citoyens, des acteurs, des professionnels du Grand Lyon et des institutions partenaires de la collectivité. Il met à disposition des ressources. Toutes les productions de la Direction de la Prospective et Stratégie d'Agglomération du Grand Lyon sont organisées et restituées sur le site