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PUBLIC MARKS from Takwann with tag learning

July 2011

Karate Thoughts Blog: Learning the System

The Sensei laughed hard and replied, "It is good that you have learned the kata. Please think about this. You are like a chef who has gone to the market and assembled all the ingredients for a fine meal. Now you have to go back to the kitchen and cook!"

March 2011

The 3 Zones Everyone Should Know About | Seth Sandler

We've all heard of the comfort zone, but did you know there's 2 other zones? Knowing the 3 zones can help your productivity and ensure that you avoid staying stagnant by being in the learning zone.

February 2011

Muscle Memory - it's all in the mind!

When we are learning a new skill, say for instance a new kata or a new type of kick, your movements may be clumsy and jerky – not at all like your instructors movements. This is because your brain has not yet laid down a memory pattern for this movement. It hasn’t recruited the appropriate motor units in the muscle and developed new neuronal and synaptic connections that enhance communication between the muscle and the brain.

conscious competence learning model matrix- unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence

Here first is the 'conscious competence' learning model and matrix, and below other theories and models for personal learning and change. The earliest origins of the conscious competence theory are not entirely clear, although the US Gordon Training International organisation has certainly played a major role in defining it and and promoting its use (see the notes below about the conscious competence model origins).

Dare to Know!

You may be familiar with an essay that I wrote in 2008 on the topic of Respectful Irreverence as an approach to tactical training topics. I want to explore an underlying theme in more detail, the theme of Sapere Aude, “Dare to Know.” Originally, this Latin phrase was used to advise people to “trust their own reason.” Don’t take someone else’s word and don’t automatically doubt your own logic or impression of a situation. If something doesn’t make sense to you, figure it out. In this way, Sapere Aude ties in very well with the concept of Respectful Irreverence.

How Should You Practice After Training?

Once we finish a personal defense training class, a question that should remain in our minds is, “Where do I go from here?” We trainers almost universally say that you have to practice after a class to ingrain the skills you learned in order to achieve the unconscious competence necessary to prevail in a critical incident. In order to practice properly, you have to have a plan for it. The saying “Only perfect practice makes perfect” applies not only to the physical skills involved but also to the structure of what and how you practice.

January 2011

Shu-Ha-Ri, and Imitation and Confidence « Dokodemo Diary

In the process of learning in budo, we learn by forms. This entails imitating the “signposts” created by those who came before us. Another way to consider forms is as the language, the letters, words, and grammar, that ultimately open the door for the practitioner to see the world the way the predecessors did, and describe it in the same way and more.

The fruits that can’t be held « Dokodemo Diary

“(When you are silent,) you see it” or “You find it”. What struck me was that this “it” made it sound like a person experiences or practices silence and the result is immediate or even immediately visible. Of course, I think that it’s presumed by the speaker that it isn’t actually so simple. It’s just that the language is not sufficient so we rely on the presumption that the listener understands that there’s more beyond the words. Two things come up for me: one is the use and handling of form, in this case words or language; the other is the tendency, or danger, for people to not notice that they are handling a form at all.

September 2010

(Article) An empty head learns nothing « Dokodemo Diary

The idea that, in aikido, a new person needs to learn how to learn is paralleled by the above topic. If it’s really been shown based on study of artificial intelligence and cognitive science, then it’s almost silly to regard it as a novel insight tied to aikido. Yet, a trap that many seniors and teachers fall into is to try to teach people everything, indeed, spending very little time on the most elementary aspects and “moving on” to more advanced topics, considering them to be more practical, applicable, “real”, or possibly just more interesting. There is, on the other hand, a trend in some circles to strongly emphasize the elementary aspects, and implicitly de-emphasize, possibly creating a subtle taboo around, more advanced topics.

Takwann's TAGS related to tag learning

aikido +   budo +   comfort zone +   competence +   conscience +   drills +   jodo +   karate +   kata +   language +   Learning Zone +   neurosciences +   panic zone +   Pedagogy +   practice +   Rob Pincus +   Shu-Ha-Ri +   teaching +   training +   words +   zones +