public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Spone with tag liste




Home — The Plant List

The Plant List is a working list of all known plant species. Version 1 aims to be comprehensive for species of Vascular plant (flowering plants, conifers, ferns and their allies) and of Bryophytes (mosses and liverworts).


Derek Powazek - 10 Ways Newspapers Can Improve Comments

The other day Bob Garfield had a good kvetch about dumb comments on newspaper websites on his show, On The Media, and I posted my two cents, but I still don’t feel better. I think that’s because Bob’s partly right: comments do suck sometimes. So, instead of just poking him for sounding like Grandpa Simpson, I’d like to help fix the problem. Here are ten things newspapers could do, right now, to improve the quality of the comments on their sites. (There are lots more, but you know how newspaper editors can’t resist a top ten list.)

TuxMobil: Linux Applications for GPS Navigation & Geographic Maps

This is a survey of Linux applications (almost all of them are Free Software) for navigation with laptops, notebooks, handhelds, PDAs and mobile phones. They are useful for bikers, car drivers, ship and air plane navigators and others. Additionally there are map conversion tools and links to freely available maps for GPS devices.


Greg Rutter's Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced On The Internet Unless You're a Loser or Old or Something

by 2 others, 1 comment
Greg Rutter's Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced On The Internet Unless You're a Loser or Old or Something

Common fonts to all versions of Windows & Mac equivalents (Browser safe fonts) - Web design tips & tricks

by 11 others
Here you can find the list with the standard set of fonts common to all versions of Windows and their Mac substitutes, referred sometimes as "browser safe fonts". This is the reference I use when making web pages and I expect you will find it useful too.

Font Matrix

by 2 others
Matrix of fonts bundled with Mac and Windows operating systems, Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite

The semantics of HTML elements and attributes

This is a rough and ready analysis of the built in semantics of HTML.


20 signs you don’t want that web design project, by Jeffrey Zeldman

Most clients are good clients, and some clients are great clients. But some jobs are just never going to work out well. Herewith, a few indicators that a project may be headed to the toilet. Guarantee: All incidents taken from life.

15 Useful Project Management Tools | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine

by 2 others
There is a huge variety of project management applications out there. Most are general purpose apps, not aimed at any one industry. But there are a growing number of project management apps aimed specifically at one industry or another. Applications geared toward creative types are becoming more readily available, and some of the offerings are really quite good.