public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Spone with tag javascript

January 2010

jParser and jTokenizer released | Web 2.1

After nearly two years I've finally gotten around to releasing my PHP JavaScript parser, although documentation is still thin on the ground.

November 2009

by 8 others
jParallax has had a major overhaul in readiness to be released as version 1.0! Layers are now freezable – the last feature I wanted to implement – and the code is more j and compact. I've been really encouraged by all the great comments, so thank you everyone! I just need you to road test the demos and tell me that it's still working in your browser, and then I'll stick a 1.0 on it.

October 2009

Réalisez un bandeau de news en jQuery, comme sur iTélé | Jay Salvat, le Blog

by 3 others
Je ne sais pas pour vous, mais moi, dès que je regarde une chaine d'information, je suis hypnotisé par les barres de news qui défilent en bas de l'écran. Je n'arrive pas à en détacher les yeux. Personnellement, je trouve celles de iTélé particulèrement réussies. Je me suis dit que ce traitement des brèves infos pouvait être une belle manière d'annoncer les mises à jour d'un site web. Bien évidement en tant qu'obsédé de jQuery, je me suis amusé à réaliser un effet similaire. Le voici.

September 2009

Google Chrome Frame - Google Code

by 1 other
Enable open web technologies in Internet Explorer Google Chrome Frame is an early-stage open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer. With Google Chrome Frame, you can: * Start using open web technologies - like the HTML5 canvas tag - right away, even technologies that aren't yet supported in Internet Explorer 6, 7, or 8. * Take advantage of JavaScript performance improvements to make your apps faster and more responsive.

Aza’s Thoughts » Vote! How to Detect the Social Sites Your Visitors Use

by 5 others
Today I’m releasing SocialHistory.js, code which enables you to detect which social bookmarking sites your visitors use.

jQuery maxImage plugin: Demo

by 3 others
This plugin will resize and scale targeted images to their max width according to the image ratio, the browser size and some simple options. Change the size of your browser to see it's effect.

August 2009

Test Swarm: Distributed Continuous Integration for JavaScript

by 2 others
Welcome to the TestSwarm Alpha! Please be aware that TestSwarm is still under heavy testing and during this alpha period data may be lost or corrupted and clients may be unexpectedly disconnected. More information about TestSwarm can be found on the TestSwarm wiki.

a textile editor - built over html5 canvas

by 3 others
I'm pretty sure that textile is the right way to produce content for the web, and that WYSIWYG editors are bad for your website. But editing a large chunk of textile using a textarea is not fun. I usually use Textmate to edit textile content, and wanted to reproduce the same feeling inside a browser. The best online text editor is currently Bespin and I gave it a try. Unfortunately, the current state of bespin make it pretty difficult to embed the editor itself in a standalone way. Moreover I needed specifics features like 'soft wrap' that is totally required to edit some textile content. So I took the Bespin way, and started to hack using javascript and HTML5 canvas to create a simple, standalone and totally embeddable textile editor for the web.

July 2009

BBC - Glow JavaScript Library

by 2 others
Glow is a JavaScript library which gives you... * Simplified DOM manipulation, event handling, animations, etc * A versatile set of user interface widgets * Clear and comprehensive documentation * BBC Browser Support Standards compliance

June 2009

Déceler une requête Ajax en Php | Jay Salvat, le Blog

Il n'existe pas de moyen automatique d'identifier ces requêtes. Les principales librairies javascript comme Prototype ou jQuery s'accordent pour envoyer un paramètre dans l'en-tête HTTP de la requête afin qu'elle puisse être reconnue. Ce paramètre est X-Requested-With : XMLHttpRequest. Tirons partie de cette information pour faire la fonction Php adéquate.

Uza’s Blog & More » Blog Archive » SOLVED: Right Click in AS3

by 1 other
A day or two ago polyGeek has revived an old and challenging idea that one could make use of custom right-click functionality in Flash (AS3 Javascript).

May 2009

Introducing Typekit « The Typekit Blog

by 2 others
We’ve been working with foundries to develop a consistent web-only font linking license. We’ve built a technology platform that lets us to host both free and commercial fonts in a way that is incredibly fast, smoothes out differences in how browsers handle type, and offers the level of protection that type designers need without resorting to annoying and ineffective DRM. As a Typekit user, you’ll have access to our library of high-quality fonts. Just add a line of JavaScript to your markup, tell us what fonts you want to use, and then craft your pages the way you always have. Except now you’ll be able to use real fonts. This really is going to change web design. We’ll be launching this summer with a great collection of beautiful and hardworking typefaces. We’ll offer a free version of the service to get you started, and a low-cost way to grow from there. A truly scalable professional version will follow soon after.

April 2009

WYMeditor - web-based XHTML editor - Home

by 6 others
WYMeditor is a web-based WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) XHTML editor.

ie7-js - Google Code

by 14 others
IE7 is a JavaScript library to make Microsoft Internet Explorer behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many HTML and CSS issues and makes transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6.

March 2009

JS Coverflow

by 2 others
Coverflow in Javascript !!Strictly proof of concept!! * Tested in Firefox 3, Opera 9.5 and Safari 3 * Only works for images of equal width and height (250px x 250px in this example) * Utilizes scroll wheel and left/right keys * You can have custom labels and onclick events for center image * I have tested it with other javascript libraries like jQuery, MooTools, Dojo and Prototype

FaceBook Like - jQuery and autosuggest Search Engine

This autosuggest search engine is inspired from facebook for design, use jQuery as ajax framework and BSN Autosuggest libs. Features : - Autosuggest and ajax support - Support search plugins - Support cache - Cross Browser support ( IE > 5.5, FireFox, Safari, Opera )

Ajax auto-suggest / auto-complete | BrandSpankingNew

by 5 others, 1 comment
The AutoSuggest class adds a pulldown menu of suggested values to a text field. The user can either click directly on a suggestion to enter it into the field, or navigate the list using the up and down arrow keys, selecting a value using the enter key. The values for the suggestion list are to provided as XML, or as JSON (by a PHP script, or similar).

jQuery HowTo's | jQuery HowTo's

jQuery HowTo's provides supplemental documentation to the official jQuery documentation. While the official documentation is the definitive reference for the jQuery API, the HowTo's contained in this site give short, concise, and focused instruction on the various jQuery related topics.

SVG_roundies: Code-only rounded HTML boxes with SVG

SVG_roundies is a port of Drew Diller's excellent DD_roundies library. While DD_roundies uses Microsoft's VML to add rounded corners to boxes and thus only works in Internet Explorer this library is based on the W3C standard SVG. SVG is supported by Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome but not by Internet Explorer. That said in practice you want to use DD_roundies and SVG_roundies together. As SVG_roundies is a port of DD_roundies both libraries provide the very same interface and produce the same results. Only their implementation differs. If you know DD_roundies you can use SVG_roundies in a minute.