public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Sheino

04 March 2005


by 20 others
People & works from Nagaoka institute of design.

03 March 2005

Wired News: My IPod, My Self

Profile of Markus Giesler, a researcher on technology, consumption and marketing.

Blogs & Wikis: Technologies for Enterprise Applications?

by 2 others
Article gives examples of companies who already have implemented one or more of these systems.

Yahoo! Netrospective: 10 years, 100 moments of the Web

by 11 others
Nice interface to display a 100 links navigation bar. Inspired by 10x10 website.

Improv Everywhere: We Cause Scenes

by 2 others
Causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places. Improv Everywhere has excecuted over 40 missions involving over 100 undercover agents.

Mappr! Where It's At.

World map of recently uploaded Flickr photos.

Web Elements

The World Wide Web viewed as a periodic table.

Color Fields Color Picker

by 27 others
Find Flickr photos by choosing a color.

Podcast Awards

by 1 other
2005 Awards Start June 15th.

Flickr: Photos tagged with a9local

A Flickr tag (a9local) to track interesting images anyone finds on the A9 yellowpages service.

02 March 2005

Sen No Sen

An attempt at identifiying and tracking key technologies and anticipating trends ahead of their general adoption by the main stream.

10 Best Intranets of 2005 (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)

Winners includes Cisco Systems, Electrolux and Procter & Gamble

Richard Giles blog: Corporate Blogging

by 1 other
Article and references on corporate blogging.

by 95 others
A french online bookmark service, similar to with added thumbnails for each link.

by 4 others
The human search engine; search bookmarks gathered by users of the service.

by 65 others
Free online bookmarks, similar to, works in combination with Zniff, a human search engine.

28 February 2005

Ypulse: Media for the Next Generation

Provides daily news & commentary about Generation Y for media and marketing professionals.


by 1 other
Monitors and reports the performance of viral advertising campaigns from around the World in a real time on-line Chart.

27 February 2005

plasticbag weblog

by 5 others
A weblog by Tom Coates, who works for BBC Radio and Music Interactive and thinks about social software, personal publishing, graphic design, online gaming and the future of media consumption.


by 2 others
Vinyl sticker for ipod Shuffle.

Google movie reviews

You can get a Google aggregation of all the reviews for any film by typing in movie: and then the name of the film

From Hasbro, a musical toothbrush

A musical toothbrush intended to keep kids brushing for the recommended two minutes will hit stores in September.

Technorati: Tags

by 10 others
The real-time web.

Eyebeam reBlog

by 4 others
Distilling art and technology.