public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Paykhan

May 2014


by 6 others
Un outil responsive pour créer des structure HMTL/CSS en drag'n'drop


Créer des fonts-picto avec SVG

Letters from Sweden

by 1 other
Fonderie Typographique

April 2014

Magic Lantern pour CANON

by 2 others
Magic Lantern is a free software add-on that runs from the SD/CF card and adds a host of new features to Canon EOS cameras that weren't included from the factory by Canon.

Marvel App Zoning

Turn sketches, wireframes, PSDs and designs into interactive mobile and web prototypes in just a few clicks. All synced in real-time from Dropbox.

March 2014

Yondr Studio

Nathan Yoder is an illustrator and designer from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Currently located in Orange County, California, he specializes in pen and ink illustration as well as hand lettering and branding.

Type Finder

Un outil de recherche typo par question


Ink is a plugin that helps you providing few extra important informations about your mockups by documenting your layers, from typography to effects and shape sizes.

February 2014

Sticker JS

A Javascript library that allows you to create a Sticker Effect

Google map Builder

by 4 others
Personnalisation Carte google, avec thèmes.

Snap SVG

by 7 others
SVG is an excellent way to create interactive, resolution-independent vector graphics that will look great on any size screen. And the Snap.svg JavaScript library makes working with your SVG assets as easy as jQuery makes working with the DOM.


Plugin photoshop pour générer du CSS3 depuis un calque.

January 2014

Créer une font-icone webdesign

by 2 others
Une fonte-icône est tout simplement une police d’écriture dont on aura remplacé certains caractères par des glyphes représentant les icônes que l’on veut utiliser. Très utiles dans le design d’interface lorsque l’on a besoin d’une simple petite icône monochrome, elles ont la flexibilité d’une police d’écriture

December 2013

Snazzy Maps

by 2 others
Snazzy Maps est un site de ressources dédié à la personnalisation de Google Maps

October 2013

DIY print shop

Kit de sérigraphie

Google Webdesigner

by 1 other
Un outil pour animation motion design par Google

Campaign monitor

by 22 others
Guide CSS pour mailing, newsletter

Paykhan's TAGS


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actionscript   agency   art   blog   cms   concept   css   cuisine   culture   design graphic   dessin   dev   DigitalPainting   diy   flash   fonderie   forum   gallery   guitare   html   illustration   impression   iphone   magazine   mao   mockup   Motion Graphic   music   outils   painting   photography   photoshop   portfolio   Responsive   ressources   shop   stockvideo   toys   tutorial   typographie   ux   video   vst   web   webdesign