public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Emaux with tags audio & tutoriels

January 2009

Sound Designers.Org :: Le son qui a du sens

Sound Designers Org. est un portail web communautaire fondé par Dorian Darcourt en 2003, réunissant des passionnés du son à l'image (prise de son, bruitage, post-synchro, doublage, montage son, sound design, composition, mixage, mastering, etc.), notamment pour les supports film, vidéo, et multimédia, mais aussi radio.

September 2008

This site and the JW Player

by 16 others
Hello, and welcome! My name is Jeroen Wijering and I'm working as a developer (and cofounder) with both LongTail Video and Bits on the Run. LongTail Video is a no-nonsense advertisement network for online video, currently serving about 5.000.000 streams a day. Bits on the Run is a revolutionary online video management platform, combining encoding, management, publishing and tracking in one easy to use shell.