public marks


September 2006

UVL - Games

All the best games, with screenshots, description and ranking.

August 2006

April 2006

platforms - UVL

All about the X-Box 360, cames, pictures, companies

Walking in Venice - OMIOD

Photo guide of the most nice places of Venice

Venice info - OMIOD

All you need about Venice, Italy!

March 2006

The Konami GX games

Full list of the Konami GX games.

Italian soccer on-line shops

List of the shops of the most famous Italian football leagues

All the 58 Mortal Kombat games

Could you belive that do exist 58 games based on the famous Mortal Kombat series?

RuzeeBorders - Steffen Rusitschka’s Blog

RuzeeBorders is a Javascript library that you can include into your web site/blog etc. in order to get borders around your HTML elements

Nifty Corners Cube - freedom to round

by 24 others
Nifty Corners Cube are a solution to get rounded corners without images.

Vendetta games - UVL

All the vendetta games.

Add the top-ranking games to your site / blog

Do you own a blog or a site? Want to add a list of the best games of your preferred console/computer ? Select the platform and copy the 1-line code in your html. Done!

Codecs - OMIOD

The largest list of all the audio and video codecs.

When and how to use internet image formats

by 5 others
To teach you how to use the correct image formats for the correct situation.

PeerCast P2P Radio

by 5 others
PeerCast is a simple, free way to listen to radio and watch video on the Internet. It uses P2P technology to let anyone become a broadcaster without the costs of traditional streaming. This means you get to hear and watch stations not normally found on commercially funded sites.

Blade's TAGS


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360   access   ajax   ASP   ayumi   badge   basic   blog   bookmarks   cebrities   collaboration   color   css   design   dns   episodes   extension   filetypes   firefox   flash   flicker   flickr   fonts   free   gadgets   game   gameinfo   games   google   graphic   hardware   hentai   html   icons   ie7   inspiration   italia   italy   japan   japanese   javascript   juventus   kombat   lazio   legal   links   mame   manga   metroid   mortal   mortalkombat   mysql   name   news   p2p   Paint   party   photography   photos   php   pixelart   productivity   programming   ranking   retro   roma   rss   sci-fi   screenshots   search   sexy   site   soccer   software   straming   tags   television   textures   tools   top   tourism   tv   uvl   vendetta   venezia   venice   vidcaps   video   videogame   videogames   web   web2.0   webgame   wiki   wip   x-box   xbox   xbox360   サービスのご案内   ショップリスト