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PUBLIC MARKS from 84GHz with tag tools


Developer Edition - Mozilla | MDN

A version of Firefox that's tailored for web developers. Firefox Developer Edition replaces the Aurora channel in the Firefox Release Process. Like Aurora, features will land in the Developer Edition every six weeks, after they have stabilized in Nightly builds. By using the Developer Edition, you gain access to tools and platform features at least 12 weeks before they reach the main Firefox release channel. Find out what's new in the Developer Edition. Experimental developer tools We'll include experimental tools that aren't yet ready to ride the trains to release. For example, the Developer Edition includes the Valence add-on, which enables you to connect the Firefox developer tools to other browsers such as Chrome on Android and Safari on iOS. A separate profile Firefox Developer Edition uses a separate profile from other Firefox versions installed on your machine. This means you can easily run the Developer Edition alongside your release or Beta version of Firefox. Set up for web developers We've set default preference values tailored for web developers. For example, chrome and remote debugging are enabled by default. A distinct theme This includes quicker access to the developer tools.

Schreiben mathematische und chemische Formeln auf Web mit CSS

Doppelpfeil ♦ Brüche ♦ Oxidationszahl ♦ Vektoren ♦ Limes und Massenzahl ♦ Summe und Integrale ♦ Wurzeln


Introducing TogetherJS ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog

by 1 other (via)
TogetherJS is a service you add to an existing website to add real-time collaboration features. Using the tool two or more visitors on a website or web application can see each other’s mouse/cursor position, clicks, track each other’s browsing, edit forms together…


jQuery/JavaScript Tools and Plugins Worth Checking Out

So here’s another list of tools and other goodies that might be of interest to JavaScript developers.


BlaBlaMeter - wie viel Bullshit steckt in Ihrem Text?

Das BlaBla Meter prüft die Texte auf unterschiedliche sprachliche Merkmale. Es wird u.a. geprüft, ob übermäßiger Nominalstil vorliegt, darüber hinaus wird der Text in unterschiedlicher Gewichtung auf bestimmte Phrasen geprüft.

Analyse und Statistik

Browser-Tools für Webdesigner - Teil 3: Safari

Für so gut wie jeden Einsatzzweck findet man hier passende Zusatzprogramme- auch Webdesigner dürfen sich über so manch nützliche Erweiterung freuen.

Animation Fill Code

css3 code automatisch für webkit und mozilla anpassen