public marks


October 2007

Bienvenue à la Salle Pleyel : Stefano di Battista Quartet

by sbrothier
Né à Trieste en 1939, mon premier est un trompettiste dont le souffle lyrique convoque aussi bien l’univers de l’opéra que celui du jazz dans tous ses éclats, du swing le plus charpenté au free le plus débridé. Né à Milan en 1972, mon second est un pianiste qui a intégré dans ses doigts toutes les musiques, de la chanson aux improvisations oniriques, une touche savamment classique entre les lignes.

September 2007

Chansons de marins, d'hier et d'aujourd'hui

by sbrothier & 1 other
A Sein, la chanson de marins est universelle. Marin d'Atlantique ou du Pacifique, marin de Méditerranée ou de la Mer Egée, marin d'Océan Indien ou de salle de bain, tous connaissent les paroles et l'air. Pas un banquet, pas un café sans note de musique. Les Cormorans Bleus et les Femmes en Noir chantent de toute leur âme, communiant ainsi par la pensée avec tous les marins du Monde entier.

ANTI- Album - Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs and Chanteys

by sbrothier & 1 other
“The ocean: It’s all about the vast blue that engulfs two thirds of the planet. The human being cast against that abyss creates an interesting bit of perspective. I think the sailors of the time were dancing with death, and these were their tunes. They resonate with people on some internal level that is not immediately obvious because it’s not in our memory, it’s in our blood. It operates on a cellular level. It’s what makes us feel so alone.” -Gore Verbinski

Specere - Macintosh Software

by sbrothier
Get ready for Menuet, the ultimate iTunes extender. Sitting quietly in your menu bar, Menuet is a program that allows you to effortlessly control iTunes using your mouse, hot keys, or with one of our beautiful, skinnable remotes. And Menuet does a whole lot more... Put a Face on your Digital Music Collection More Menuet Browsing through your music collection, while now much more efficient thanks to iTunes, has nevertheless lost a lot of its fun. Luckily, we've narrowed it down to a critical event in the history of music: the loss of album art in digital music collections. And we didn't stop there. We're proud to introduce our solution to this problem. – the Blog · Audio Fingerprinting for Clean Metadata

by sbrothier
The veteran Scrobblers amongst you will probably remember our “moderation system” – this was a user-voting system that let you propose and merge artists, ultimately fixing misspelled artists by creating aliases to the correct version. We are planning to bring this back in a big way, addressing not only artists, but albums and tracks too. We don’t want to have to vote on the really obvious stuff (“01 – Radiohead”), so we are going to do as much as possible automatically, with various algorithms and data mining tricks. The entries we can’t be 100% sure about, and the remaining stuff, will again be thrown open to a public vote. Phase 1 is now underway with the first public “beta” release of our new fingerprinting technology. This will mature into a nice sexy (free) API that lets you grab clean metadata based on an audio fingerprint. For now, all that it does is send the fingerprint data to bootstrap the moderation system. This doesn’t change any MP3 files on your computer. It does send useful fingerprint data to our moderation system so we can get the ball rolling. If you have a big MP3 collection, it will take a while… Thankfully it remembers where it got to, so you don’t have to do it all in one session. Grab the fingerprinting app and let it scan your MP3 collection: Download for: Windows Mac OS X Linux .deb Source code What we’ll do next is figure out all the popular (mis)spellings for tracks with the same fingerprints. We will publish lots of stats, example data and graphs showing our progress as the fingerprint database grows in the coming weeks. We need people with MP3 collections (of any size/quality) to download and run the fingerprinter to make this work, so spread the word.

by misspo
music store (for ipod)


by misspo
The UK's biggest & independent record label (virgin)

AZEL a.k.a. Azehdjewell -

by misspo
Paris, FR - Hip Hop / Electrique / Autre -

August 2007


by sbrothier & 3 others (via)
Fully working, manual record player made entirely of paper. To play the record the handle needs to be turned in a clockwise direction at a steady 331/3rpm. The paper cone then acts as a pickup, amplifying the sound enough to make it audible. (Record shown, 'The Sound of Music' 1965).

SUCK UK - Card Mini Boom Box

by sbrothier
Folded cardboard flat packed with really fully working amplified speakers for ipod

July 2007

Ecrans - Zoom : Effets vidéo sautillants

by sbrothier & 1 other
Pris en une seule séquence, le film a été tourné en live le 30 juin dernier, lors de l’ouverture du festival Nederclips du Stedelijk Museum’s-Hertogenbosch et tourné à l’aide d’une équipe de professionnels du trampoline.

June 2007

by sbrothier & 1 other
Voici une petite histoire que nous venons de vivre. On peut s'autoriser à penser qu'elle est révélatrice d'un certain état d'esprit post-victoire sarkozyste. Elle pourrait sembler drôle tant elle frise le ridicule. Et pourtant, prête-t-elle vraiment à rire ? Suite à un concert donné au Centre Culturel Aragon à Oyonnax [Ain] le samedi 5 mai, nous avons reçu un courrier du maire de la ville. Nous lui avons répondu. Pour être complet, vous pourrez découvrir très prochainement le lien vers la vidéo diffusée sur scène, qui est à l'origine de toute cette pauvre histoire.