public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag écologie

27 September 2005

La boutique du solaire

by sbrothier
Nous avons selectionné pour vous de nombreux produits. Ils ont tous un point commun : fonctionner grâce à l'énergie solaire, une énergie propre, gratuite et inépuisable.


by sbrothier
online archive of environment related press releases, announcements, news articles, and essays - discussion and article posting allowed with only one selection criteria : keep positive, no more sad news, good things are happening all over the world. more…

Onya Bags

by sbrothier
We do go on about plastic grocery bags and what a blight they are. Yet how often are we shopping and realize that we did not bring our box/canvas carrier/reuseable bag and guiltily take one or two for our groceries. Onya has a clever solution to the problem: Its bag comes with a pouch and becomes your key chain, so you always have it with you.

22 September 2005

Wind & Solar Energy Installation guides

by sbrothier
Installing clean energy requires a general understanding of the equipment, costs, and approvals required for each clean energy technology. Here we provide a variety of guides from the Trust and our affiliates to help you decide whether and how to install solar and wind, navigate approvals and interconnection processes, and purchase green electricity.

Wind Power

by sbrothier
Wind power can be an excellent complement to a solar power system. Here in Colorado, when the sun isn't shining, the wind is usually blowing. Wind power is especially helpful here in the winter to capture both the ferocious and gentle mountain winds during the times of least sunlight and highest power use. In most locations (including here) wind is not suitable as the ONLY source of power--it simply fills in the gaps left by solar power quite nicely.

Solar power basics for beginners

by sbrothier
Learn the essential basics of using solar power so you can understand your project. Planning your project begins with understanding the basics found in this section.


by sbrothier (via)
Inhabitat is your online source to innovations in technology, design practices and materials that will push architecture and interior design towards a smarter and more sustainable future

21 September 2005

Couches de poches Swaddlebees

by sbrothier & 1 other
Swaddlebees sont probablement la couche de poche la plus convenable et mince que vous y trouverez jamais. La région entre les jambes a été coupé pour réduire le volume inutile entre les jambes du bébé, pourtant elles laissent d'assez de pièce de mettre d'autant d'insertions comme nécessaire.

Eco-Friendly in the Kitchen

by sbrothier
Since the layout of our small kitchen was dreadful, we decided to start from scratch and create a new, environmentally friendly room.

Covoiturage Finistère

by arnet & 1 other
Le site pour organiser le covoiturage en Finistère - Beau site en plus -


by sbrothier & 3 others
Energy Star is a government-backed program helping businesses and individuals protect the environment through superior energy efficiency

Le « Windwandler »

by sbrothier
Les « Windwandler » sont des rotors à poussée aérodynamique, faites de deux pales identiques. Les changements de direction des vents ne constituent pas un obstacle, car l’éolienne s’oriente automatiquement selon le vent.

20 September 2005

The Turtle Press Online Store

by sbrothier & 1 other
Nice sketch books and journals made from 100% recycled paper

18 September 2005

by sbrothier & 1 other
The ethiscore website is designed to help users quickly and easily identify the best products to support and the worst companies to avoid.

16 September 2005

13 September 2005

12 September 2005

DOMUS Materiaux ecologiques

by sbrothier (via)
Premier fournisseur français de matériaux écologiques, selectionneur depuis 1986. Les matériaux DOMUS pour la santé de l'habitant, l'environnement et le développement durable. : LES MATERIAUX D'ISOLATION

by sbrothier (via)
Liège, chanvre, ouate de cellulose, laine de mouton... des isolants naturels

Zoka Zola

by sbrothier & 1 other (via)
Our aim is to construct an urban single-family house that is ecological, socially regenerative and self-sustaining. We will only use energy generated on site. We would like this building to be an inspiration to other homeowners and developers in urban environments.

Kids' "Create your future"

by sbrothier
This website is created by Japan for Sustainability, a japanese non-govermental organization that transmits information on the environment to more than 170 countries worldwide. Through this site, we aim to encourgae children all over the world to take an interest in environmental issues, think about what they can do to help, and put their ideas into action.

02 September 2005

livework :: service innovation & design

by sbrothier (via)
Design of experiences that reach people through many different touch-points, and that happen over time.

01 September 2005

Ski Dubai

by sbrothier (via)
Next month there will be nearly 23,000 m2 of snow in Dubia. Yes, you read correctly.Well, it seems that to keep 70 centimetres of snow on the 25 storey high, 5 run ski resort, it will employ “23 massive air conditioners and turn on the snowmaking jets”

31 August 2005


by kalooni & 3 others (via)
Un blog de qualité sur les énergies alternatives


by Louvic & 3 others
Un blog de qualité sur les énergies alternatives