public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags xmlhttprequest & development

July 2006

February 2006

January 2006

December 2005

Developer::Pipelines | Sessioning with XMLHttpRequest

by rickdog
Sessioning with XMLHttpRequest - Using HTML and JavaScript to connect the presentation layer directly to XML data

October 2005

September 2005

August 2005

June 2005

May 2005

March 2005

Ajax, promise or hype?

by François Hodierne & 4 others (via)
the concept seems to be taking the Web development community by storm. This can mean one of two things: either it's a promise or it's a hype. To decide the case, I offer an annotated link dump.

Ajax… Or how an old idea needs new marketing.

by François Hodierne & 1 other (via)
So the concepts have existed since the beginning of scripted webpages, well since Netscape 3 anyway. The idea isn’t new. So what took so long?

February 2005

December 2004


by François Hodierne & 6 others
JPSpan provides tools to "hook up" PHP and Javascript, for the purpose of fetching data from PHP into a web page which has already loaded, without reloading the entire page.

Active users

François Hodierne
last mark : 19/07/2006 00:08

last mark : 01/02/2006 09:17

last mark : 31/01/2006 13:19

last mark : 03/01/2006 17:27

last mark : 01/12/2005 07:40

last mark : 28/09/2005 16:48

last mark : 07/09/2005 05:39

last mark : 12/02/2005 14:05