public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags web2.0 & maps

April 2006

<Unknown> - Streampad Demo

by ycc2106
Allows you to stream music from your home machine to any web browser. Mashups include -, google maps, amazon, and the live music archive.

Flash Earth ...Google Local and Windows Live Local in Flash

by ycc2106 & 64 others
Experimental Flash application using Google Local and Windows Live Local. Try rotaing the compass or buile a permanant link.


by ycc2106 & 3 others
A sophisticated mashup between mapping, and various web services...gadget style.

Web 2.0 Innovation Map

by ycc2106 & 16 others
The Web 2.0 Innovation Map grew out of an interest in how Web 2.0 development is distributed geographically. Using the lists of Web 2.0 applications from various sources (see listings) and a bit of elbow grease to locate addresses, the Innovation Map was born. The locations listed here have come either from a WHOIS lookup or the contact information from the web site itself. Locations are not guaranteed to be accurate.

Mapable Home - social activities on a map

by ycc2106 & 2 others
Mapable is the place where you can find common online social activities placed on a map. Our first initiative is 'Mapable Chat'. Many more cool map-based services are set to arrive here soon.

March 2006

Grokker - Enterprise Search Management

by ycc2106
Experimental search results as tree or map

Web 2.0 Visualization | RSSRSSRSS, Web 2.0 Resources for Schools

by ycc2106
RSS-Powered Research on Social Software through Reading and Sharing Sessions. Vizualization maps

Tagzania: tagging the planet

by antoniomokarzel & 21 others
Tagzania is about tags and places. If you register and log in, you can add places, points, to create and document your maps. When you add a point, you may tag it with keywords. That way, Tagzania is not only a place to build and keep your own maps, shared


by tangthon & 16 others
About Woophy Woophy stands for WOrld Of PHotographY, a website founded by a Dutch collective of photo aficionados and internet designers who believe navigation on internet can be more visual, logical and associative. The goal of Woophy's founders is to

February 2006 : 企業應用 : IT技術 : 混搭程式造就地圖革命

by vista
拜「混搭程式」(mashup,結合多種來源內容的程式)之賜,數位地圖快速崛起,功能也是五花八門,從購物、路況報導、網路交友乃至社群打造等,無一不可。所有資訊都是即時,標示的位置也是絲毫不差。 網路繪圖已發展到會寫下歷史一頁的重要階段,不但結合不同的技術與社群,也徹底改寫網路的根本用途,同時也重新定義文化對地圖的看法。地圖軟體提供了最清楚不過的商業應用層面,讓跟著互連技術一起長大的世代趨之若騖。 : 企業應用 : 主題中心 : 地圖結合資料 提供全新網路服務

by vista
Yahoo、Google、Microsoft陸續進軍智慧型地圖,期望語意式廣告(contextual advertisements)結合標出商家地點的地圖,帶動網際網路邁向新紀元,到時Google等希望可以脫穎而出,成為業界的佼佼者。用戶只要進行搜尋,這類語意式廣告就可崁入地圖裡或和地圖並陳。 雖然三家公司尚未公佈將來要如何靠智慧型地圖獲利,不過可能的模式之一是將程式開發工具授權出去後,利用智慧型地圖達到廣告目的的商家將與提供智慧型地圖的公司拆帳。 搜尋引擎廣告公司Fathom Online的執行長Chris Churchill說:「這塊市場潛藏數十億美元的商機。智慧型地圖採支援廣告的方式,是許多人的心血結晶。」

StreetEasy Real Estate Research | Home

by ycc2106 & 4 others
Yew York real estate service using maps(BETA)