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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web2 & gnu

2012 | Your Cloud, Your Data, Your Way!

by m.meixide & 6 others
The above providers are recommendend because it is easy to sign up and they have a free plan. Other providers are cloudlay, nxServer, Hostingbase (German), Black Point Arts (German), AIXPRO (German). If you provide a public instance, contact us!

ownCloud: tutorial para guardar tus datos en tu nube

by m.meixide
Se trata de una aplicación web open source mediante la cual podremos crear nuestro almacén remoto privado, donde podremos guardar todo lo que queramos siempre que haya espacio suficiente en nuestro disco duro. De este modo, no será necesario utilizar servicios de terceros y tendremos control absoluto sobre quién accede a “nuestra nube”. ¿Quieres escuchar tu colección de música desde tu oficina? ¿Quieres acceder desde la universidad a un documento guardado en tu PC? ¿Quieres dar acceso a amig@s y configurar su rol? Este tipo de necesidades quedarán cubiertas fácilmente gracias a Owncloud.

Libre Projects

by m.meixide & 1 other
Web services listed here have free usage & sharing as a main goal – using free licenses such as MIT, GNU AGPL, Creative Commons or similar terms. There will be no advertising for corporations that offer libre features as a niche service. On the other hand, platforms that mainly distribute free content and don't require user accounts do not have to be free themselves.


yaspora DIASPORA

by m.meixide
Diaspora* hace que compartir sea transparente y facil - y esto tambien va por la privacidad. Inherentemente privado, Diaspora* no te hace ir a traves de configuraciones y opciones solo para mantener tu perfil seguro


by m.meixide & 5 others
This is, a micro-blogging service based on the Free Software StatusNet tool. Join now to share notices about yourself with friends, family, and colleagues!

diaspora - alpha

by m.meixide
first sprint. It is our one and only goal to get Diaspora in the hands of every man, woman, and child at summer’s end. September 2010 will signify the release of the project in its first iteration, fully open-sourced under the GPL. This release will be comprised of several key features for Diaspora, mainly: * Full-fledged communications between Seeds (Diaspora instances) * Complete PGP encryption * External Service Scraping of most major services (reclaim your data) * Version 1 of Diaspora’s API with documentation * Public GitHub repository of all Diaspora code

ur1 Generator

by m.meixide
ur1 is an Open Service from StatusNet Inc., powered by lilURL. Full source available under the terms of the GNU General Public License. UR1 Database is available in tab-separated values format. To the extent possible under law, StatusNet Inc. has waived all copyright, moral rights, database rights, and any other rights that might be asserted over the UR1 Database.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web2

blogs +   cc +   diaspora +   disco-rede +   gnu +   linux +   proxectos +   rede +   tutorial +   url +  

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last mark : 30/04/2012 13:06