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March 2009

Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » A New Memory Tool for the Web

by Xavier Lacot
When the web developer's life will begin to be at a memory level, we'll start seeing disappear crappy web apps. And crappy webdevs.

Performances Web - Afup 2008

by piouPiouM
Slides de la conférence Performance Web au forum PHP Afup 2008, par Éric Daspet.

February 2009

Jiffy Firefox Extension - Documentation

by piouPiouM & 3 others
The Jiffy Firefox Extension adds an additional panel to Firebug that provides a visual view of the Javascript time measurements captured by Jiffy-Web.

December 2008

Performance web : Quelques outils en ligne

by camel & 2 others
Le concept de ces outils est le même : on prend une URL, on lance la page, et on trace la cascade des requêtes HTTP avec quelques statistiques. C’est là qu’on voit le temps pris par chaque composant, par la somme des composants, et les éventuels problèmes de performance comme les scripts bloquants. pagetest » home

by camel (via)
Pagetest is an open source tool for measuring and analyzing web page performance right from your web browser. AOL developed Pagetest internally to automate load time measurement of its many websites, and it has evolved into a powerful tool for web developers and software engineers in testing their web pages and getting instant feedback. We decided to release it to the grander web development community to further help evolve it into an even more useful - and free - web performance tool.

Pagetest web page performance test

by camel & 4 others
PageTest allows you to provide the URL of a webpage to be tested. The test will be conducted from the location specified and you will be provided a waterfall of your page load performance as well as a comparison against an optimization checklist.

November 2008

Webサイトの高速化 フロントエンドのパフォーマンスの重要性 (Yahoo! developer netoworkより翻訳) | パフォーマンスチューニングblog | インターオフィス

by oqdbpo
Steve Souders は Yahoo!の「Chief Performance Yahoo!」です。 ※こういう役職があるらしいですね これは彼の「パフォーマンス改善のベストプラクティス」を書いた一連のブログです。 O’Reillyから出版される予定の「High Performance Web Sites」の第一章の基になっています。 ※この内容はO’Reilly Media — Bookstore: High Performance Web Sites: Rough Cuts Versionとしてまとめられていて、正式版も今年の9月に出版されるとのこと。 邦訳も出版されました!

October 2008

SitePoint Blogs » JavaScript Event Delegation is Easier than You Think

by damdec
If you’re into adding a little JavaScript interactivity to your web pages you may have heard of JavaScript event delegation and thought it was one of those convoluted design patterns only hardcore JavaScript programmers worry about. The truth is, if you already know how to add JavaScript event handlers, it’s a snap to implement.

Éviter les événements trop fréquents — Performance web

by damdec & 1 other
Les bons développeurs javascript utilisent les événements, à toutes les sauces. En fait quasiment tout ce qui est fait en javascript est en réaction à un événement. On arrive à deux problématiques qui ont un un impact plus ou moins important sur les performances :

High Performance Web Sites :: Hammerhead: moving performance testing upstream

by camel
Improving performance starts with metrics. How long does it take for the page to load? Seems like a simple question to answer, but gathering accurate measurements can be a challenge. In my experience, performance metrics exist at four stages along the development process.

September 2008