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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & opera


Opera Mini™ 4.1 beta

by oqdbpo & 1 other
Opera Mini 4.1 beta lets you have the full Web everywhere. This newest release includes several new features, including automatic completion of web addresses, making it easier to get to the sites you need; tools for attaching files to web-based email; uploading photos to your blog or other site; downloading attachments from email for storage on your phone; and saving and viewing pages offline.

"View Selection Source" for the Opera browser

by oqdbpo
View Selection Source — simple JavaScript bookmarklet (favelet) or an User JavaScript which allows you to see HTML source of any part of page, it's very useful for web developers. You probably know it from Firefox.


Ext JS - JavaScript Library

by parmentierf & 23 others
Build rich web applications that work across all major web browsers including: * Internet Explorer 6 * FireFox 1.5 (PC, Mac, *nix) * Safari 2 * Opera 9 (Mac, PC)

Web Developer Toolbar & Menu for Opera

by parmentierf & 3 others
The web developer toolbar is a menu and toolbar setup for Opera which brings together functions related to web development, validation services and links to standards and other documentation.

Guide to Deploying SVG with HTML » Something Witty Goes Here » Blog Archive

by parmentierf
This entry is to serve as a guide so people can learn from my experiences. It was originally published in Dec 2005, but I will continue to update it as more items occur to me. It was last updated in Jan 2007.


Opera developer tools - Opera Developer Community

by parmentierf & 4 others
These are developer tools that have been used internally for some time by Web Application developers at Opera Software. These tools are meant as early previews, and should be considered alpha quality software. They are provided on an as-is basis, in the form of buttons that can be dragged to any Opera toolbar.

urlfilter.ini : Bloquez les pubs avec Opera

by devloop
Block Ads with Opera using urlfilter.ini

Opera Developer Community

by -Nicolas- & 7 others
Dev Opera is a community resource site where developers can share tips, tricks, extensions and more. This is the place where ideas are born, so contribute today!

Web Browser Standards Support

by clochix & 1 other
This document will summarize the level of support for web standards and maturing technologies in popular web browsers. It covers the Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera web browsers, with focus on the HTML, CSS, DOM, and ECMAScript technologies.

pure C# 技術社群 - 遵循標準

by purecs
我計畫再過幾個月要買一台新的桌上型電腦,這台電腦要有最新最酷的硬體配備及超大容量的記憶體,這樣我用它來開發程式的時後就可以同時開起Vistal Studio、SQL2005還有VM而不會感到想抓狂,我會給它配上夠快的3D顯示卡,拿它來玩刺激的遊戲絕對是種享受,實在是太美妙啦。 - voir son site sous Linux

by -Nicolas- & 17 others (via) vous propose d'effectuer en quelques secondes des captures d'écran de vos pages Web consultées sous Linux avec Firefox, Konqueror, Opera ou Dillo. Vous pouvez aussi vérifier l'affichage généré par les navigateurs en mode texte Lynx et Links.

New Start: width|height到底定义什么?

by nickcheng (via)
关于web标准的小试验. 让人郁闷的浏览器兼容性啊!