public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & media

July 2007

May 2007


by jdrsantos & 8 others
Revision3 is the first media company that gets it, born from the Internet, on-demand generation. Unlike aggregators, mash-ups, clients and web sites, Revision3 is an actual TV network for the web, creating, producing its own original entertainment and con

March 2007

OFFICIAL WHIZ Community Web Site - Talent Resume

by Whiz (via)
Need some WHIZ info? Don't have any OFFICIAL WHIZ info, but want some? Need an actor/Model for a movie, Prints, Indy or a Feature film - Whiz's Resume and Whiz's Profile can be found here!


by Whiz (via)
Yea, its weakipedia. NO one uses it. Mostly irrelevant info. But, they do have one OFFICIAL listing for "The WHIZ! Hey, the search engines are designed to give you the most relevant site according to the dollar amount not the site your searching for!

THE OFFICIAL WHIZ Community Web Sites on the Web!

by Whiz (via)
To help you find Whiz sites and blogs. Yes, you can find an "OFFICIAL Whiz on the web, it isn't totaly impossible. Fakes are abundant, but with a tenacious attitude you will find and an actuall genuine Whiz community web site.

OFFICIAL Whiz Community Web Sites - Links on the Web

by Whiz (via)
Looking for "The Whiz" look no further. A lot of people are looking for Whiz, but can't find him. No worries. has room for all. is one of the places to find WHIZ links for "The OFFICAL WHIZ Community Web Sites" on the web!

The "OFFICIAL WHIZ" on MySpace

by Whiz (via)
Looking for "The Whiz" look no further. A lot of people are looking for Whiz, but can't find him in the midst of all the wanna-bees on myspace. No worries. Myspace has room for all, Communities of people are looking for any actual Whiz Info, very often in vain, but Whiz can be found! Just be tenacious in your search. Do not get WIZed-OFF, be patient.


by Whiz (via)
Looking for the Whiz for ever, look no further. Yea, I know a lot of you are Looking for him and finding a lot of IRRELEVENT results for Whiz! Sorry about that. His name seems to be very popular. But you won't find any of those wanna-bee/fake Whizs' here. And you won't find many of those cheesy, cheese, gee, golly, nerds here either. This site is for all of us Whiz Fans, to get together and maybe find some information on "The OFFICIAL WHIZ"! Yes people are actualy faking Official Whiz community Clubs" now!

OFFICIAL Whiz Community Web Site on FACEBOX

by Whiz (via)
Just another OFFICIAL Whiz Community Web Site. Personal, but hey who knows you might learn something about being an ACTUAL Whiz. Who knows you may even find a Whizette here. Post some pics, song or some other type of media.

February 2007

Numedia Studio - Web Design & Graphic Design Agency

by numediadotro (via)
Creative agency offering complete website design and development services; print, multimedia, interactive and identity solutions.

TechCrunch en français » le media collaboratif politique du Dauphiné Libéré

by srcmax & 1 other (via)
Je l’annonçais récemment, les initiatives en matières de politiques 2.0 ne tarissent pas et ce sous l’impulsion de l’évènement politique de l’année, les élections présidentielles. De toute part nous voyons fleurir des blogs politiques, des blogs de politiques, des initiatives sur second life, des initiatives de startups (comme politique 2.0 ou encore bonvote) et des initiatives 2.0 ( Les français veulent s’informer, s’exprimer et s’impliquer dans le débat. Le Web fournit les moyens pour cela.

January 2007

Le web multiculturel

by Satyam
Ce blog est d'abord une invitation au voyage au coeur des médias, de l'Internet, et des marques des minorités culturelles francaises. Ces medias traduisent l'activité débordante de toutes ces communautés, activité qui a tendance à passer inapercue dans le paysage médiatique francais. Ce sera un voyage en différentes étapes, au coeur d'initiatives innovantes, à la rencontre des passionés de ces cultures. Mais surtout, comme le but premier d'un blog est de démarrer des conversations, ce blog est fait pour vous donner la parole sur des sujets d'actualité et de société et au travers de rencontres aussi riches que variées, quelles que soit vos origines, votre culture, vos convictions,...

December 2006

November 2006