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31 July 2006

Mozilla Taiwan 討論區: [推薦套件]Performancing-在FF上發表blog

by feision
用 WP 和 MT 架設的網站也可以選擇下面的 Custom 來設定。 另外 樂多日誌好像有支援 XMLRPC 的樣子,應該也可以用 MT Custom ========= 如果有人試出了怎樣用custon模式支援樂多或是其他國內blog站台,麻煩請提供出來,我也想知道。 ========== 樂多的話,選 Custom Blog>Movable Type 在位址列中輸入: ,然後在下個畫面打入你的帳號密碼就OK啦~

WB Editor the desktop blogging tool

by feision & 3 others (via)
WB Editor 2 is the second generation of the desktop blogging tool. The re-engineered user interface brings more blogging fun. With WB Editor plugins, it also brings more power to your blogging life style

Drupal Taiwan | 繁體中文支援站

by feision & 1 other
Drupal Taiwan是 Drupal 的繁體中文支援站。Drupal是一套開放源碼的內容管理平台,擁有多種實用的功能,可以用來建置從個人網誌到大型網路社群等各種類型的網站。 簡介: 關於Drupal | 好用功能 | 繁體中文網站秀 | Demo

30 July 2006


by feision
用博客理念解決知識管理的難題 作者:出處:天極網 [ 2005-09-23 15:40 ] 摘要:將博客應用於企業知識管理對企業知識管理過程中的幾大難題有建設性意義。下面我們來看一下e-cology如何應用博客理念來解決知識管理的幾大難題的。   泛微的知識管理專家認為目前的知識管理存在著一系列的雷區,包括:搜索不充分,難以發現相關的知識;難以保持更新;不知道自己不知道的東西(缺乏專家引導) ;拒絕共享;難以保證質量,積累垃圾信息;使用存在障礙;容易對系統中的信息產生不信任感;喜歡「閉門造車」等。一致認為必須引進新的知識管理工具—博客。而博客技術能夠克服傳統知識管理的缺陷,滿足復雜知識環境下的需要,該技術具有靈活性和真正的「平民性」。因此,將博客應用於企業知識管理對企業知識管理過程中的幾大難題有建設性意義。下面我們來看一下e-cology如何應用博客理念來解決知識管理的幾大難題的。

27 July 2006

BlogApi: post from blog tools |

by feision (via)
BlogApi: post from blog tools Drupal 4.6 · Drupal 4.7 The blog API module enables a post to be posted to a site via external GUI applications. Many users perfer to use external tools to improve their ability to read and post responses in a customized way. The blog api provides users the freedom to use the blogging tools they want but still have the blogging server of choice. When this module is enabled and configured you can use programs like Ecto to create and publish posts from your desktop. Blog API module supports several XML-RPC based blogging APIs such as the Blogger API, MetaWeblog API, and most of the Movable Type API. Any desktop blogging tools or other services (e.g. Flickr's "post to blog") that support these APIs should work with this site.

26 July 2006

Blog Backup, Blog Publisher, Blog Tool/Utility, Blog to PDF book, Blogger - BlogCollector

by feision
BlogCollector®: Backup your blog. Publish your blog into a book! Quick links: Demos | Download | Upgrade Backup Your Blog Before It is too Late: You have spent a lot of time as well as effort to keep running a successful blog. We know your ideas, your stories, and your thoughts are priceless. Wouldn't it be a disaster that one day all your blog entries are gone due to a hack attack or hardware failure on your blogging service provider? Use BlogCollector to backup all your blogs before it is too late. Publish Your Blog into a Book: Guess what, many people do not feel comfortable to read blogs! They prefer classic elegant books. To reach these audience, you can publish your blog into a book with BlogCollector. And do not forget to print out one copy for Grandma. It's easy, and it's FREE!: You can use the Lite version FREE of charge. Also you might want to upgrade to a higher version for more features.

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last mark : 31/07/2006 10:46