public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag voyages

June 2010

Capitaine Train - vos billets de train, à grande vitesse

by sbrothier & 4 others
Capitaine Train est une agence de voyages en ligne qui vend des billets de train, juste des billets de train. Pas de voyage en avion, pas de location de voiture, pas de séjour en hôtel. Encore moins de publicité pour Twilight 3 !

iTravel: Apple's Future Travel Centric App for the iPhone - Patently Apple

by sbrothier
Christina Warrens of Mashable covered our iTunes Concert Ticket + report last week and added that "Delta Airlines, which is headquartered in my hometown, supports digital boarding passes at some of its bigger airports. I love this because it is one less thing to print out and one fewer line to stand in for a boarding pass." Well, Apple appears to agree with that thinking because they're working on a new travel check-in application that they're simply calling "iTravel." Apple is obviously working with the Airlines to ensure that the iPhone will be up to standard when new ticketless systems roll out in the coming years. Apple's iTravel focuses on such matters as airline check-in and baggage identification, advanced electronic ID, car rentals, hotel and airline reservations and so forth. Apple's iTravel is yet another Near Field Communications based application within a host of recent revelations. It would appear, at least on the surface – that Apple may be working on a new suite of NFC related applications for a future iPhone. Perhaps such a suite could be ready by the time they roll out their iPhone 4G next year.

10 Awesome iPad Apps For Travel

by sbrothier
One of the Apple iPad's best uses is going to be as travel companion: It's lighter than a laptop, more fun and intimate to use, and great for wasting time on a plane or train. So it's no surprise that many of the first iPad apps are focused on travel, extending the huge collection of great travel apps for the iPhone. These range from flight trackers to mapping apps to travel guides and references. Most are inexpensive or free.

May 2010

12 Great Sites to Improve Your Travel | Web.AppStorm

by sbrothier
The web has had a definite effect on the travel industry, enabling people to be their own travel agents. With the improvements in mapping technologies and the ability to share knowledge, it has never been easier to find the information you need regarding the places you want to see.

Kayak: An Incredible Flight Search Tool | iPhone.AppStorm

by sbrothier is an all-in-one travel website that allows you to easily compare prices on flights, hotels and rental cars. The Kayak iPhone app mirrors this functionality with a slick, easy-to-use interface that makes finding great deals a breeze. Today we’ll take at a few of the basic features of Kayak and discuss how the app performed during the review process.

Tour Wrist - Travel Remotely

by sbrothier
TELEPORTATION is here! Just point your phone up to view the skies in distant cities. Turn around for a 360 degree view from the tops of exotic buildings. With Tour Wrist™, your iPhone 3GS becomes a portal. You can even capture places in 3D and share them with the world. The best part is, it's entirely free!

Les Bons et Mauvais Plans de Plongées

by rmaltete
les voyageurs laissent leurs impressions...

April 2010

Travel Savvy Mom: Family Friendly Hotel, Resort, Suite Reviews

by irols
The idea for Travel Savvy Mom was hatched in 2003 when Jamie Pearson’s 3-year-old daughter threw up in a hotel dining room in Belgium. In the mortifying moments that followed, she caught the vomit in her cupped hand, called to the waiter for help, and was (eventually) handed a single paper napkin.

January 2010

Welcome - The Bold Italic - San Francisco

by sbrothier & 2 others
The Bold Italic is an experiment in local discovery. Just when you thought you were a pretty savvy local, along came The Bold Italic. Our mission is to help people become better locals, equipping our members with rare local intel, backstory and potential adventures.

Picasa Web Albums - Bob & Wendy

by fotopol
album de voyage et collection de peintres en reproductions photographiques

Vacation rentals, private rooms, sublets by the night - Accommodations on Airbnb

by oseres
Rechercher Arrivée Check out Guests "Venice Canals 1-Bdrm" - Venice, CA $180/ nuit 5 Commentaires À propos deBlogAideContactConditions & respect de la vie privéeLes meilleurs deals  New YorkSan FranciscoParisVancouver Olympics RentalsRejoignez-nous sur: Twitter

November 2009

October 2009

August 2009


by rmaltete
les vrais bons plans pour voyager moins cher

June 2009


by macareux
Elaboré en partenariat avec l’Observatoire de la sécurité aérienne et du tourisme basé à Genève, le site Securvol recense les incidents et accidents d’avions répertoriés dans le monde. Il nous informe sur l’état du trafic aérien mondial. Un baromètre des compagnies les plus sécurisées ou les plus dangereuses, soit plus de deux cents transporteurs passés au crible, est réactualisé chaque semaine. En gros, ce site est fortement déconseillé si l’avion vous stresse.

Action visas

by macareux & 3 others
Chouette ! Ici, vous pouvez demander un visa sans avoir à vous déplacer. Parce qu’au moment des préparatifs, on a toujours autre chose à faire que d’attendre dans un couloir, dans une salle, tout au bout du bout de la file d’attente, avec parfois dans les mains le ticket 236 ; au moment même où le petit panneau lumineux appelle... le 110 ! Bon j’exagère, mais tout de même...

May 2009

April 2009

Vacances en famille au Club Med, Mini Club Med : encadrement de vos enfants de 4 a moins de 11 ans

by irols
Découvertes et initiations éclectiques, travaux manuels, sports nautiques… Et même goûters gargantuesques. Les 4-10 ans seront comblés. Tout est prévu par nos GO ® pour leur faire passer des vacances uniques et inoubliables.

March 2009