public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags visualarts & tips

November 2006

Media College - Video, Audio and Multimedia Resources

by jlesage
reference material for all electronic media-- video & television production, audio work, still imagery & graphics, website design; excellent quick guides and tutorials, on things like video streaming

October 2006

Media Chops

by jlesage
the techniques and aesthetics of media making, including animation; wonderfully designed site

ZoneZero from analog to digital photography

by jlesage & 2 others
a large, excellently curated photography site, including slide shows and discussions of key issues in photography and representation in general; highly recommended; under tutelage of Pedro Meyer; take "tour" first

Making Sense of Evidence

by jlesage
strategies for analyzing online primary materials, with interactive exercises and a guide to traditional and online sources--many kinds of historical materials discussed; useful in most teaching areas

Project 365: How to Take a Photo a Day and See Your Life in a Whole New Way

by jlesage & 1 other
always looking for new ways to interest students in certain kinds of projects involving visual narrative, autobiography, documentary

12 Principles of Web Writing and Design

by jlesage
from teacher Craig Stroupe, who has online many useful teaching tools across tech and cultural fields

Lesson Plans for Digital Storytelling

by jlesage
this is a lesson plan that could be adapted for different ages or kinds of classes, e.g., composition or video production or narrative arts

Digital Story Examples

by jlesage
a page leading to many examples, things you could make with imovie; from more than decade of practice from 1990-2003

Tech Head Stories

by jlesage
big list of links for many aspects of digital storytelling; regularly updated

September 2006

the complete idiot's [eejit's] guide to all aspects of filmmaking

by jlesage
clear and witty, useful for practitioners as refresher or for students, especially production teachers

July 2006

motion picture, it's called

by jlesage
blog by viewer with far-ranging taste, including Asian cinema, experimental works, etc. Good place to find new things to see on DVD.

June 2006