public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag useful

01 January 1970 01:00

90% Crud: RSS To Fortune

by sharifl
for my bash script ..

clean sweep assessment

by sharifl & 6 others
The Clean Sweep Program is a checklist of 100 items which, when completed, give one complete personal freedom.

macosxhints - How to securely control another Mac over the internet

by sharifl & 1 other
The idea is to be able to remotely view and, if needed, control another Mac to help teach a new Mac user how to do something or fix their problem.

Top YunNub commands

by sharifl
Jeremy`s Picks -

Home - Photo-Plugins

by Castanjetti & 1 other
offers free plugins for photo processing.

Open Thread: The “43 Folders” of health and fitness sites? | 43 Folders

by sharifl
what’s your favorite website or blog about getting healthy? What are your favorite apps for tracking progress and watching a diet? Who’s got the best “health hacks?”

Quirksmode - Multiple Explorers

by sharifl & 5 others
test web sites using multiple versions of IE