public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag twitter

August 2013


by moby & 1 other
twitter de la revue littéraire latino-américaine Resonancias


by dzc & 1 other
Yet another Twitter API 1.1 compliant timeline RSS/JSON feed builder, meant to continue the Autoblog Project's Twitter support

July 2013

Twitter Shows The Way Forward With Do Not Track | Electronic Frontier Foundation

by sbrothier (via)
Twitter Shows The Way Forward With Do Not Track Twitter today announced a new way of targeting advertisements for its users, including a partnership with three online tracking firms: media6degrees (m6d), Chango, and Adara. This new system will display ads based on your behavior and reading habits, which show up as "Promoted Tweets" or "Promoted Accounts." This is typical of the direction that major online companies are moving. But Twitter has made some praiseworthy design decisions:

Why Twitter’s ad-tracking system is actually great news for the Do Not Track camp | VentureBeat

by sbrothier
In matters of Do Not Track, Twitter is doing things very, very right. The company unveiled yesterday its new ad retargeting effort, which lets it display advertisements to users based on their browsing activity. Basically, if you search for something like jeans online, you’re going to start a lot more advertisements for jeans in your Twitter feed. As Twitter argues, it’s all about seeing better, more relevant ads (and making more money from advertisers).


by toki & 1 other
twitter de la revue

construire malin

by toki
twitter du site internet de courtier en travaux "construire malin" : rénovation de maison, construction ...

Visualizing 3 Billion Tweets | MapBox

by sbrothier
This is a look at 3 billion tweets - every geotagged tweet since September 2011, mapped, showing facets of Twitter's ecosystem and userbase in incredible new detail, revealing demographic, cultural, and social patterns down to city level detail, across the entire world. We were brought in by the data team at Gnip, who have awesome APIs and raw access to the Twitter firehose, and together Tom and data artist Eric Fischer used our open source tools to visualize the data and build interfaces that let you explore the stories of space, language, and access to technology.

June 2013

Twitter ouvre ses données à la puissante agence de publicité WPP

by sbrothier
Twitter fait ami-ami avec l'agence de publicité britannique WPP. Les deux sociétés ont conclu un partenariat stratégique à travers lequel le puissant groupe publicitaire et de communication britannique (70 milliards de dollars de revenus !) utilisera les données du réseau social afin de mieux cibler les campagnes de ses clients.

Audiences TV : 5,1 millions de téléspectateurs pour Stéphane Bern, la victoire de Tsonga explose Twitter - Yahoo! Actualités France

by srcmax
Les programmes de la soirée les plus twittés ont été «Popstars » sur D8 (70 000 tweets) et « Futur par Starck » (3443 tweets), le documentaire d'Arte, visible en replay.


by milouse
Twendeley (Mendeley + Twitter) is a proof-of-concept mashup built to demonstrate one usage of the Mendeley APIs.

May 2013

Tune in with Twitter TV - Brian Solis

by sbrothier (via)
Have you ever watched TV while using a laptop, smart phone, or tablet? Wait, why am I asking. Of course you have. That’s what we all do now right? So I guess the real question to ask is how often do you use Twitter vs. Facebook while watching TV? In many ways, Twitter is becoming a bona fide second screen experience while watching television. And in many ways, TV may also serve as the second screen to those engrossed in their Twitter streams. If you think about it, the idea that the TV becomes the second screen to digital experiences is rather provocative. Perhaps this is why Twitter is making some notable moves in the television analytics market recently.

Ashton Kutcher : « Les médias ont détruit l’expérience utilisateur sur Twitter »

by tonio78
L’acteur américain Ashton Kutcher, premier homme à avoir atteint les 1 million d’abonnés sur Twitter, est aujourd’hui très déçu par ce qu’est devenu la plateforme.

Brace yourselves for the proliferation of the 'finger hashtag'

by sbrothier
The hashtag was born on IRC networks before migrating to Twitter and evolving into something that people verbalised ("hashtag fail"). Now some factions are trying to turn it into a gestural expression and Nimrod Kamer -- a filmmaker and journalist -- is all for it. You can follow him on Twitter at @nnimrodd