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PUBLIC MARKS with tags tv & music

January 2007

TV On The Radio

by Fluctuat (via)
Biographie, actu et ttitre en écoute du meilleur rock band 2006 : j'ai nommé TV On The Radio.

MyCast your digital media with Orb 2.0 remote pc access software

by cyberien & 1 other
Orb is simple and fast to use. The Orb application is free to download and install, and there are no fees for MyCasting. You only need a home computer to get setup, and can use any web-enabled media player with streaming capabilities, portable or otherwise, to remotely play the media you desire. Once the Orb software is installed on your "always-on" home PC, your computer acts like your personal broadcasting system. You now have the ability to stream content through any internet-connected device like a mobile phone, PDA, laptop or any other computer. No additional hardware or software is necessary to be installed on any of the web-enabled devices you want to use. With Orb, you can start MyCasting your photos, music, videos, live* or recorded TV, documents and more right now. *Please note, to access live TV you will need to purchase and install a TV tuner card in your home PC. Orb makes this easy to do by providing instructions and recommendations. To start MyCasting, enter into your web browser, login and your on your personal broadcasting station. Orb creates a secure media portal to your home PC. There are no downloads, just unencumbered streaming of digital content. The Orb application automatically checks the bandwidth, screen size and resolution of your viewing device and optimizes the digital content for your device and connection speed. You don't have to worry about how it works - you can just play and enjoy! MyCasting through Orb maximizes the potential of both the Internet and the devices we use everyday to unlock the digital media on your home computer in a way never before possible.

December 2006

November 2006

Les hurluberlus de l'électro-fun - ARTE

by mbertier & 1 other (via)
On croyait avoir tout vu de la techno, mais c'était sans compter les hurluberlus de l'électro fun. Décoincée, guignolesque, l'électro-fun s'attaque au sacro-saint mythe du DJ et retourne au jardin d'enfant.

MEDIAPORTAL - free MediaCenter HTPC Software - Home

by nikkie & 13 others (via)
MediaPortal is an Open Source application ideal for turning your PC / TV into a very advanced Media Center. MediaPortal allows you to listen to your favorite music & radio, watch and store your videos and DVDs, view, schedule and record live TV as a digital video recorder and much much more. You get MediaPortal as Open Source software. This means you can help in developing MediaPortal or tweak it for your own needs with lots of innovating plugins from our great community.

October 2006

Il Bestiario

by Free925
Il bestiario Ovvero: le bestialità più becere, assurde e dannatamente cretine scritte dalla Compiuta Donzella Un panorama su notizie più o meno interessanti, più o meno ragionate, più o meno assurde sul mondo e altro.

August 2006

Choose And Watch Internet TV Channels - for free

by lolototto & 4 others
Watch on ChooseAndWatch only the best online News, Entertainment, Sports, Music, Information, Adult... TV channels - for free! Simply choose a channel and watch it.

July 2006

Open Source, Open Data for Digital Music | MusicDNS

by gratuitweb (via)
enjoy baby music share partage ta musique et recois celles des autres il suffit d'un logiciel libre et d'une cle voili voilou!

Porn TV Online FREE! Lots of music and videos too

by macmantv & 1 other
9 Porn Channels Free in the adult section showing 24/7 Including Playboy and Spice!!! Free Internet TV and Videos. More than 100 Channels including Movies, Sport, Comedy and Uncensored Music. And thousands of vidoes from ABBA to ZZ Top and everything else in between. Brighten up your day with

June 2006

Watch 120 live online TV channels for free

by lopis & 1 other, 1 comment
Here is a web site where you can watch over 120 free live online TV channels in your browser: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari. These tv channels are about: news, weather, education, music, funny, entertainment, games, reality, lifestyle, sport, cartoon, movies, travel, fashion, adult.

May 2006

Ourmedia Homepage | Ourmedia

by slogoo & 30 others
OurMedia免费存储各类视频, 音频, 图片, 文本, 甚至软件的平台.


by slogoo & 19 others
Medinalia是一个提供在线TV和广播服务的网站。它有以下几个特点: # 超过900个在线电视频道 # 3800 个在线广播站 # 完全免费 # 电视频道来自于104个国家(包括中国) # 广播站来自于148个国家 #

Rémi sans famille

by julie
Ma famille à moi c'est celle que j'ai choisie Car on a besoin d'affection dans la vie !

April 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tv

20 minutes +   alma +   arte +   bbc +   brmtv +   discussions +   documentaire +   elle +   embed +   lang:en +   magazine +   photos +   prison valley +   upian +   veille +