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January 2008

Creating a Custom RSS Feed with PHP and MySQL

by lecyborg
In this article you'll learn how to syndicate your own custom RSS feeds using PHP and MySQL. We'll first learn how to create two database tables and then how to retrieve data from them which will be formatted into an RSS feed. Here's an example of the completed RSS feed and a download link to the code. Let's start by taking a look at how to create the MySQL database tables.

Make SSH connections with PHP

by lecyborg & 3 others
Not everyone knows about PHP's capabilities of making SSH connections and executing remote commands, but it can be very useful. I've been using it a lot in PHP CLI applications that I run from cronjobs, but initially it was a pain to get it to work. The PHP manual on Secure Shell2 Functions is not very practice or thorough for that matter, so I would like to share my knowledge in this how to, to make it a little less time consuming setting this up. In this article I'm going to assume that: * You're running Debian / Ubuntu If not, you will have to substitute the package manager aptitude with whatever your distribution provides * You're running PHP 5 If not, just replace php5 with php4 everywhere * You have basic knowledge of PHP & server administration * You already have PHP installed

December 2007

Les Conventions en cakePHP

by lecyborg
Qui dit conventions dit accords. Une convention n’est pas une règle. Une règle c’est quelque chose d’obligatoire, une convention non. Mais ça peut engendrer des pénalités, dans notre contexte c’est une diminution de la productivité. Cependant la convention peut créer des obligations. C’est-à-dire qu’on dit : voilà cette chose elle est comme ça. Pourquoi ? Ben pourquoi pas ? On bâtit dessus et on avance. Et pourquoi ? Un seul mot, productivité.

Perfect PHP Pagination [PHP & MySQL Tutorials]

by gregR
This tutorial is an attempt to further abstract a class for managing result pagination, thereby removing its dependencies on database connections and SQL queries. The approach I'll discuss provides a measure of flexibility, allowing the developer to create his or her very own page layouts, and simply register them with the class through the use of an object oriented design pattern known as the Strategy Design Pattern.

November 2007

Tutoriel - Gettext et PoEdit : Comment faire un site multilingue ? - Labtech Wiki

by srcmax
Ce tutoriel a pour but de résumer succinctement les principales étapes nécessaires à la réalisation d’un site multilingue grâce à l’utilisation du logiciel d’aide à la traduction poEdit.

October 2007

Web Site Optimization: 13 Simple Steps [Apache & IIS Configuration]

by camel & 1 other (via)
This tutorial takes a practical, example-based approach to implementing those rules. It's targeted towards web developers with a small budget, who are most likely using shared hosting, and working under the various restrictions that come with such a setup. Shared hosts make it harder to play with Apache configuration -- sometimes it's even impossible -- so we'll take a look at what you can do, given certain common restrictions, and assuming your host runs PHP and Apache.

Le Site du Zéro : apprendre l'HTML, le PHP/mySQL,...

by xlr8 & 21 others
Un super site pour apprendre le langage de programmation PHP couplé au langage serveur mySQL

September 2007

Free Website Templates

by onizuka & 1 other
Free Website Templates, Premium Website Templates, PowerPoint Templates, Logo Templates. Tutorials on Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash, PHP, and CSS. Software Review. Useful Scripts. Cool Links. WebDesign Award.

August 2007

July 2007

June 2007

May 2007

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