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PUBLIC MARKS with tag traffic



by equis & 1 other
Vidscribe is an automated AI-based software that will create a local language version of your videos without you having to do anything. You will get global traffic that you could never even imagine by automatically translating the video into any language you want, not just the text, but also the audio.



by equis
Get more traffic, leads and sales to your websites with this web based app



37 Ways to Get Traffic To Your Website

by Teulliac (via)
Each and every business today can benefit from a website. It can be a promotional site, an extension of your sales or services, and even the entirety of your business if you’re online-only. Once you’ve got a website developed and ready to go, you’ve got to get people visiting it. Here are 37 ways to drive the traffic you need to your site and earn the online exposure you want.


by gregg
Analyze all Your Traffic in Seconds Collect and analyze your web traffic for all your sites in real-time using our fast, reliable, hosted system. See overview data for all your sites on a single page. See Your Traffic As It Happens Gauges will update your traffic data in real-time, as people visit your site. No need to refresh, or wonder what’s going on right now. You’ll know instantly. Watch your visitors with AirTraffic See your traffic like never before! AirTraffic shows you live traffic to all your sites, on one single full-screen map dashboard, as it happens. See Your Data In All Its Beauty Gauges is fast, effective, and beautiful. You’ll love coming back often to see your traffic data presented in a breathtakingly simple, intuitive interface.


iOS Apps: TrafficDito

by alamat (via)
TrafficDito gives you real-time traffic updates from people stuck in it! It's the first social traffic monitoring app that helps you identify trouble spots in Metro Manila through fellow app users and the Twitterverse! This means you get only the most relevant and recent traffic updates from people actually on the road.


Sites médias : Facebook maintient son niveau d’affluence

by srcmax
Sur l’ensemble des visites toutes sources confondues d’un site web d’actualité français, la part moyenne de Facebook en tant qu’affluent est de 1.4% en novembre 2010, tandis qu’elle est de 0.2% pour Twitter :


Fiddler Web Debugger - A free web debugging tool

by ycc2106
Fiddler is a Web Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows you to inspect all HTTP(S) traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with incoming or outgoing data. Fiddler includes a powerful event-based scripting subsystem, and can be extended using any .NET language. Fiddler is freeware and can debug traffic from virtually any application, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and thousands more.

Monopoly City Streets: What's going on?

by srcmax

We had planned for a lot of traffic on launch day and had been load testing the game - in fact, we've been testing and optimizing for a whole month. However, between the enthusiasm of Monopoly fans around the world, everyone who was excited to try out the new experience and non-stop mentions of the game on Twitter, blogs and everywhere else, our servers were overwhelmed. Based on the stats we have, we show a daily rate of about 1.7 million unique visitors, but the figure is likely far higher.

[Google Maps] Les conditions du trafic routier accessibles sur Google Maps mobile

by srcmax

Si vous utilisez Google Maps pour Mobile avec le GPS activé sur votre téléphone, vous pouvez faire ceci. Lorsque vous activez le GPS dans Google Maps, votre téléphone envoie des données anonymes aux serveurs de Google décrivant votre vitesse de déplacement. En combinant votre vitesse avec la vitesse des autres téléphones sur la route, parmi les milliers de téléphones en déplacement dans une ville à un instant donné, nous pouvons établir une image plutôt précise des conditions du trafic routier. Nous combinons ces données en continue et vous les renvoyons gratuitement via le calque Trafic de Google Maps. Aucun effort requis de votre part — activez simplement Google Maps pour mobile avant de démarrer votre voiture — et plus la participation est forte, plus les résultats sont fiables.

Les américains surfent (plus) la nuit

by thomas.deyries
* We all share the same morning and evening Internet addiction: On average, European traffic starts picking up around 5am GMT / 7 am CEST and similarly US traffic takes off around the same time at 7am EDT. Internet traffic also reaches its peaks in the early evening (7pm GMT / 9pm CEST in Europe and 10pm EDT / 7 pm PDT in the US). * North American’s don’t surf over dinner: Unlike European traffic, US daily Internet percentages take a small dip in the early evening between 6pm and 10pm EDT. In contrast, Europe traffic keeps climbing through the evening until a marked 9pm GMT / 11pm CEST drop off. Of course, Europeans tend towards later (and longer) dinner hours than their North American counterparts. * What Europeans do at night: Actually, this bullet point should be what Europeans don’t do at night — spend a lot of time on the Internet. In contrast to North America, European traffic plummets much more steeply and reaches a lower daily minimum than US traffic (US traffic never drops below 50% whereas Europe declines more more than 60% from its peak). Apparently, North American Internet users stay up later and use the Internet longer (next blog post we’ll explore what they’re doing on the Internet late at night).

Load Impact - Free web site load test

by ycc2106 & 5 others
allow you to test how your website can handle various blasts of traffic. The results with sites hosted at WpWebHost are excellent.

Massive Traffic ...the Lazy Way !

by allwebgold
Discover… the Lazy Way ! To Get A Massive Flood Of Traffic To Any Website or Opportunity … for FREE !! If You’re Tired …of all the Marketing Hype that tells you getting traffic is hard - This Is THE Method For You …

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