public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag toolkit

July 2006

June 2006

ATF Project Home

by wabaus
The AJAX Toolkit Framework (ATF) provides and extensible framework and exemplary tools for building IDEs for the many different AJAX runtime offerings (Dojo, Zimbra, Rico, etc) in the market.

May 2006

Google Web Toolkit - Build AJAX apps in the Java language

by jdrsantos & 56 others
Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications like Google Maps and Gmail easy for developers who don't speak browser quirks as a second language. Writing dynamic web applications today is a tedious and error-prone process; you spend 90% of your time working around subtle incompatabilities between web browsers and platforms, and JavaScript's lack of modularity makes sharing, testing, and reusing AJAX components difficult and fragile.

Google Web Toolkit - Build AJAX apps in the Java language

by ruadrift & 56 others
Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications like Google Maps and Gmail easy for developers who don't speak browser quirks as a second language. Writing dynamic web applications today is a tedious and error-prone process; you spend 90% of your time working around subtle incompatabilities between web browsers and platforms, and JavaScript's lack of modularity makes sharing, testing, and reusing AJAX components difficult and fragile.

Max Kiesler - Round-up of 50 AJAX Toolkits and Frameworks

by wabaus & 9 others
First roundup of AJAX tools etc. (there is a second list now)

haxe []

by jdrsantos & 10 others
web oriented universal language

start [RIALTO - Rich Internet Ajax Toolkit - OpenSource]

by jdrsantos & 7 others
Rialto (Rich Internet Application Toolkit) is ajax-based cross browser javascript widgets library. Because it is technology agnostic it can be encapsulated in JSP, JSF, .Net, Python or PHP graphic components. Nowadays it supports pure javascrip

April 2006

Propel - Trac

by jdrsantos & 7 others
Propel is a full-service object persistence and query toolkit for PHP. It allows you to access your database using a set of objects, providing a simple API for storing and querying data. You might already have heard of this technique, but under a different name, like Data Access Objects (DAO) or Object Relational Mapping (ORM).

Javascript librairies roundup

by Elryk
Liste très complète des différentes librairies Javascript basées sur Ajax.

Yahoo! UI Library

by Elryk
Librairie complète et bien documentée offrant de nombreux contrôles Ajax : drag & drop, slider, treeview, manipulation du DOM, animations ...

Rico - JavaScript for Rich Internet Applications

by Elryk & 1 other
Librairie Javascript Ajax basée sur Prototype et proposant des effets cinématiques, du drag & drop et des listes triées. - web 2.0 javascript

by Elryk & 199 others
Librairie proposant des animations, drag and drop et listes triées en Ajax.