public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag toolkit

September 2008

dojotoolkit spellcheck

by iDo8p
SpellCheck est une classe permettant d'intégrer un correcteur orthographique dans vos pages. Il fonctionne aussi bien avec des inputs html standard (input, textarea) qu'avec des éditeurs basés sur des iframes (dijit.form.Textarea, dijit.Editor, etc...)

dojotoolkit - menu generator

by iDo8p
MenuGenerator est une classe qui permet de générer un popup menu (pour bouton dropdown ou menu contextuel ou autre) à partir d'une représentation objet. La structure de l'objet est utilisée pour gérer la création de menus simples ou arborescents.

August 2008

Dojo toolkit : Syntaxe Déclarative, points à retenir

by iDo8p
La syntaxe déclarative est la plus simple des deux syntaxes disponible avec dojo (l'autre étant la syntaxe programmatique mais, du même coup, la moins flexible.)

July 2008

June 2008


by jdrsantos
This site is home to the toolchains of choice for homebrew game development, currently available for GameBoy Advance, GP32, Playstation Portable and GameCube. More platforms will be added as time permits.

April 2008

March 2008 - the official home of the rpg toolkit

by jdrsantos
RPG Toolkit, a completely free and open source software that lets you create role-playing games on your PC.

February 2008

Yahoo! Developer Network - Flash Developer Center

by camel & 2 others
Après sa Yahoo! User Interface Library, les équipes de Yahoo! viennent de publier un ensemble de composants graphiques baptisé ASTRA (ActionScript Toolkit for Rich Applications). Pour faire simple, il s’agit de petits bouts de code pour réaliser tout un tas de trucs (menus en arbre, graphiques…).

November 2007

October 2007

August 2007

libxml / libxslt / xmlsec / gdome: Windows binaries

by maxxyme
Home of the last-known-good binaries of the libxml XML processor (and its close friend-tools libxslt, xmlsec and gdome) for the native Windows platform.

June 2007

May 2007

Webware for Python

by jdrsantos & 1 other
Webware for Python is a suite of Python packages and tools for developing object-oriented, web-based applications. The suite uses well known design patterns and includes a fast Application Server, Servlets, Python Server Pages (PSP), Object-Relational Map

Main Page - RockWiki

by jdrsantos & 1 other
ROCK Linux is a flexible Distribution Build Kit. It can be used for building your own Linux distributions.

by jdrsantos & 1 other
This bootable ISO live CD is based on Fedora Core 5. The toolkit was designed to provide easy access to best-of-breed Open Source Network Security Applications and should run on most x86 platforms.

April 2007

Trinity Rescue Kit | CPR for your computer

by jdrsantos & 1 other
Trinity Rescue Kit or TRK is a free live Linux distribution that aims specifically at recovery and repair operations on Windows machines, but is equally usable for Linux recovery issues. It is possible to boot TRK in three different ways: -as a bootable C