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PUBLIC MARKS with tag tomcat

07 March 2007 13:30

Struts 2 et Tomcat 6 sont sur un bateau ... - Blog - Veille - Clever Age

by ddelangle
Les deux projets Java open sources les plus populaires viennent de sortir de nouvelles versions stables.

01 March 2007 12:00

Tomcat 6 released and stable

by ddelangle
Tomcat 6 (download, documentation) implements the "Servlet 2.5 and JSP 2.1 specifications

30 January 2007 13:45


by aromino
It was a completely new Tomcat-Apache plug-in that handles the communication between Tomcat and Apache.

30 January 2007 09:15

18 January 2007 15:00

06 January 2007 01:30

04 December 2006 16:45

Run Tomcat as unprivileged user on Debian 3.1 (sarge)

by jean-gael
Run Tomcat as unprivileged user on Debian 3.1 (sarge)

29 November 2006 06:30

Home - Lambda Probe

by ionial & 2 others
Lambda Probe - Open source Tomcat management and monitoring tool

23 November 2006 10:00

02 November 2006 19:15

Apache Tomcat Server Alternatives - Jetty and Resin - Enterprise Java Software Developer Station -

by holyver (via)
If your enterprise Java development is light weight and strictly avoids EJBs, you would probably consider Apache Tomcat as your first choice application server. However not only has Tomcat become rather heavy over time but it also isn't the only option you have. The list of Java servers is quite long, but it normally comes down to Tomcat, Jetty and Resin.Apache Tomcat is easily the most popular of the three and the "Powered By Tomcat" section lists some of the more well known names running Tomcat.

28 October 2006 21:15

LaLiLuna - Tutorials for Struts, JavaServer Faces, JSF, EJB, Hibernate, Eclipse, JBoss, Tomcat, ...

by holyver & 2 others
Tutorials for Hibernate, EJB 2, EJB 3 Struts, JavaServerfaces (JSF) Tomcat, JBoss, Myeclipse, Eclipse and other

25 October 2006 03:45

22 October 2006 13:30

Raible Designs | Jetty vs. Tomcat vs. Resin: A Performance Comparison

by holyver (via)
This morning, I did some comparisons between Jetty 5.1.5rc1, Tomcat 5.5.9 and Resin 3.0.14 (OS version).

17 October 2006 23:15 - JBoss Application Server

by holyver & 1 other
JBoss Application Server is the #1 most widely used Java application server on the market. A J2EE certified platform for developing and deploying enterprise Java applications, Web applications, and Portals, JBoss Application Server provides the full range of J2EE 1.4 features as well as extended enterprise services including clustering, caching, and persistence.

17 October 2006 23:00

Jboss dévoile son middleware orienté message open source ainsi qu'un serveur web - Actualités Middleware - Le Monde Informatique

by holyver (via)
Jboss persiste et signe dans sa stratégie de harcèlement des géants du Middleware. Hier, l'éditeur a dévoilé Jboss Messaging, son nouveau serveur de messages et Jboss Web son serveur Web dérivé d'Apache. Les deux logiciels seront des composants essentiels de son prochain serveur d'application attendu pour le second semestre.

16 October 2006 22:00 - Wiki - TomcatStandalonevsEmbedded

by holyver
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Tomcat embedded inside of JBoss Application Server versus running Tomcat independently?

16 October 2006 21:45

Couplage Apache HTTP & Tomcat - Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones

by holyver & 2 others (via)
Lors de la mise en production d'une application Internet ou intranet, il est fréquent de vouloir protéger les transferts par une connexion sécurisée (HTTPS). Même si Tomcat le permet (il suffit d'activer une option dans le server.xml de Tomcat), utiliser Apache est un meilleur choix du fait de sa vitesse. De plus l'utilisation d'Apache permet de se débarrasser des :8080 et autres numéros de ports dans l'url, du fameux " /MonApp " à la fin de la dite url et enfin la possibilité il offre une intégration plus aisée dans un environnement avec charge répartie (Load Balancing).

16 October 2006 21:30 -- Clustering and Load Balancing in Tomcat 5, Part 1

by holyver
The latest version of the Tomcat servlet container provides clustering and load balancing capabilities that are essential for deploying scalable and robust web applications. The first part of this article provides an overview of installation, configuration, usage, and extension of clustering and load balancing features. The second will introduce a sample web application to demonstrate the steps involved in configuring Tomcat server instances to enable clustering, and will study session persistence using in-memory replication in the cluster environment.

16 October 2006 07:30

Apache France - Le Guide d'installation de Tomcat pour Windows

by ddelangle (via)
Si vous utilisez Windows NT/2000/XP, vous pouvez installer Tomcat comme service: Pour cela, saisissez la commande suivante dans une fenêtre DOS : "�TALINA_HOME%bintomcat.exe" -install Tomcat "%JAVA_HOME%jrebinhotspotjvm.dll" -Djava.class.path="�TALINA_HOME%binbootstrap.jar;%JAVA_HOME%libtools.jar" -Dcatalina.home="�TALINA_HOME%" -Xrs -start org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -params start -stop org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -params stop -out "�TALINA_HOME%"logsstderr.log

15 October 2006 01:15

Tomcat FAQ - Cluster

by holyver
This page discusses cluster- and clustering-related questions. Please make sure to read the Clustering HowTo page in the main Tomcat documentation bundle as well.

12 October 2006 23:00

The Apache Tomcat Connector - FAQ

by holyver
General Informations and FAQ about JK. JK is a project covering web-servers to Tomcat connectors, whereas mod_jk is the Apache module developed in JK.JK is a project covering web-servers to Tomcat connectors, whereas mod_jk is the Apache module developed in JK.

12 October 2006 22:00

Comparing Apache Tomcat Performance Across Platforms @ LINUX.SYS-CON.COM

by holyver
We have measured performance information to distinguish the differences between the Windows and Linux platforms. Given comparable hardware we found the performance differences almost trivial.

12 October 2006 21:45

Servlet Performance Report: Comparing Apache Tomcat Performance Across Platforms

by holyver (via)
This first part of this article measures performance information in order to distinguish the differences evident between the Windows® and Linux platforms. We find that given comparable hardware the performance differences introduced are almost trivial. When the server was pressed to capacity, our Windows installation was forced turn away some traffic with minimal alteration in serviced performance, whereas our Linux installation elected to service nearly all connections at the cost of introducing latency. However, prior to reaching capacity, our Linux server appeared on average to be capable of servicing connections at a slightly faster rate than our Windows server.

12 October 2006 20:30

Fronting Tomcat with Apache or IIS - Best practices

by holyver (via)
Running cluster of Tomcat servers behind the Web server can be demanding task if you wish to archive maximum performance and stability. This article describes best practices how to accomplish that.

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développement +   jakarta - mod jk +   serveur +   tools +