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PUBLIC MARKS with tags talk & slides


Creating Alloy Widgets

by Xavier Lacot
The talk of Martin Hudson about creating widgets in Titanium Alloy


PHP Performance

by Xavier Lacot
A great talk recently given by Rasmus Lerdorf at the "Hacker Dojo' in San Francisco. Lots of goods inside, particularly around the usage of Hiphop PHP.


Integrating symfony and Zend Framework (PHPBarcelona 2009)

by Xavier Lacot
The talk of Stefan about Integrating symfony and Zend Framework, during the PHPBarcelona Conference 2009

Tim Berners-Lee speaks on Linked Data (1)

by Xavier Lacot
Tim Berners-Lee's talk at TED 2009 conference slides, about Linked Data.

Active users

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 19/02/2013 12:10