public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag tagcloud



Bredcrums - A new way to bookmark the web!

by ycc2106
import your bookmars to display them in the moving tag cloud Would be nice to be able to share

Web 2.0 Tools and Applications - a visual search engine -

by ycc2106 & 1 other
Ziipa is a web-based visual search engine for Web 2.0 web designs and applications. Unlike other competitors in this field, Ziipa does not search images, videos, or other media content. Results are showed by a gallery and a tag cloud and can be shared and syndicated via RSS.


by ycc2106
Tag cloud generator based on a bunch of feeds that you import via an OPML. The cloud is based on frequency and popularity.

WordSift - Visualize Text

by ycc2106
Generates a word cloud of your text

Many Eyes

by ycc2106
Our goal is to "democratize" visualization and to enable a new social kind of data analysis. Jump right to our visualizations now, take a tour, or read on for a leisurely explanation of the project.

Make a tag cloud from any RSS feed, site, search query or text, then add it to your website or blog

by ycc2106
recent tags - many tag cloud generators: from feed, URL, Text Backlink tag cloud for web sites

Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds

by ycc2106 & 13 others
wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.



by nhoizey
Tagzeo, c'est la « million dollar homepage » des nuages de tags, futile et inutile, donc indispensable... non, inutile, vraiment, en fait... - Webservice that tags your resources

by _Nico & 7 others
Un service qui vous permet d'extraire des mots-clés (tag) de n'importe quel extrait de texte, d'une url ou d'un fichier uploadé


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tagcloud

image +   keywords +   SearchEngine +   semantic +   social +   video +   visual +   web2.0 +   widget +  

Active users

last mark : 14/06/2010 13:48

last mark : 06/10/2009 19:58

last mark : 19/08/2009 15:00

Jeremy B.
last mark : 29/01/2009 16:37

last mark : 27/09/2008 15:06

last mark : 21/08/2008 14:18

last mark : 22/07/2008 11:48

last mark : 15/03/2008 17:05

last mark : 13/02/2008 02:21

last mark : 10/01/2008 22:17

last mark : 24/07/2007 18:53

last mark : 22/05/2007 13:44