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July 2005

Iraqi Casualties: Unnamed and Unnoticed

by mikepower
An in-depth look at how we have treated Iraqi civilian deaths by veteran war reporter Judith Coburn

The Herald: Finished? Blair? Why, he is now the great leader reborn - by Iain Macwhirter

by mikepower
So, let us praise Tony Blair. He has a unique ability to communicate. You may not believe a word he says, but boy does he know how to say them.

Brown's doleful role at Gleneagles: Mark Curtis

by mikepower
One might think that countries where poverty kills thousands every day have no obligations towards the rich


by mikepower
Did you not find yourself wondering, as I did, how much Bono paid for all that cosmetic dental work? Or were you too busy getting down to care?

Blair and Brown mock the march of people power: Jasper Gerard

by mikepower
You know the bottom has fallen out of the protest market when Bob Dylan flogs a seminal recording of A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall to Starbucks

With a song in their heart and not much at all in their heads: Simon Jenkins

by mikepower
We know we cannot “make poverty history”. This week we are trying to make it geography. Perhaps, just for once, we should make it economics.

Addicted to occupation: Bradley Burston

by mikepower
God, grant me the serenity to leave the places I can leave. Give me the courage to stand and defend the places I should. And the wisdom to know the difference.

June 2005

How the world's richest countries arm the poorest

by mikepower
In 2003 alone, the G8 countries exported arms worth $12bn (£6.6bn) to the developing world, and six of their number – the US, UK, France, Russia, Germany and Italy – lead the world’s top 10 arms suppliers.

Joe Conason at Karl Rove is a liar and a scoundrel. He is not a patriot but a pure partisan, as his own record proved long before now.

by mikepower
In attacking liberals' reaction to Sept. 11, Bush's senior advisor once again resorts to McCarthy-style tactics.

Two years on, the echoes of Vietnam are getting louder

by mikepower
American defeat in 1975 brought about Vietnamese unification, while American failure in Iraq will almost certainly precipitate that country's fragmentation.

Blinded by the light at the end of the tunnel

by mikepower
The American public is increasingly disillusioned by the Iraq war, and Bush's triumphalism only makes things worse

Hypocricy beyond chutzpah. Avi Shlaim: Withdrawal is a prelude to annexation

by mikepower
The US effected regime change in Baghdad in three weeks but has failed to dismantle a single Jewish settlement in the occupied territories in 38 years.

The New Republic Online: Term Limits by Ryan Lizza

by mikepower
It's not President Bush's fault that he has failed on all of his major second-term initiatives.

Poor ambitions for the world

by mikepower
it would be more accurate to call the campaign: 'Slightly alleviate the most extreme aspects of poverty over the very long-term, maybe.

Should we make 'Make Poverty History' history?

by mikepower
The problem with the Live 8 jamboree is not the self-important rock stars, but the politics of low expectations.

May 2005

Immigration isn't the issue: Brendan O'Neill

by mikepower
Among the political class, ‘the immigration issue’ has become code for their own fear and loathing of the white working class.

The Quagmire: As the Iraq War Drags on, it's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Vietnam

by mikepower
. Two years after the U.S. invasion, Iraq is perched on the brink of civil war. Months after the election, the new Iraqi government remains hunkered down inside the fortified Green Zone in Baghdad, surviving only because it is defended by thousands of U.S

Sarah Baxter: Bad is good

by mikepower
Everyone knows that computer games are bad for children and that television is dumbing down. But is it really true?

Regime change is illegal: end of debate: Alasdair Palmer

by mikepower
I would never do anything against the advice of the Attorney General: Tony Blair

Globish - the new international language

by mikepower
Globish is not like Esperanto or Volapuk; this is not a formally constructed language, but rather an organic patois, constantly adapting, emerging solely from practical usage, and spoken in some form or other by about 88 per cent of mankind.

April 2005

ei: The Case Against Alan Dershowitz: The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel vs. Alan Dershowitz

by mikepower
Alan Dershowitz is a well-known lawyer and professor at Harvard Law School, a prolific author, and makes regular appearances in the media