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PUBLIC MARKS with tag sync

April 2009

March 2009

Dropbox - Home - Secure backup, sync and sharing made easy.

by ycc2106 & 2 others
Dropbox lets you synchronize and share 2GB of your files, photos and music for free.

AddressBookSync | Facebook Picture Synchronization with OS X Address Book

by nhoizey
AddressBookSync is a free Mac OS X application to download profile pictures and other Facebook data to Address Book cards.

doubleTwist |

by simon_bricolo & 3 others
doubleTwist simplifies media management, whether you want to sync to your mobile device, share it with friends, or upload it to YouTube, Flickr, or Facebook. It's so easy your grandparents could use it.

February 2009

January 2009

November 2008

October 2008

September 2008

Stay in Sync with GCal and Thunderbird

by wabaus & 3 others
How to keep GCal and Thunderbird in (2-way) sync.

June 2008

World History : HyperHistory

by ycc2106 & 8 others
HyperHistory is an expanding scientific project presenting 3,000 years of world history with an interactive combination of synchronoptic lifelines, timelines, and maps.

GCU-Squad! » The poor’s man filesystem synchro

by camel
Voici quelques semaines qu’il en parlait sur les ml, alors il à fini par le coder. Ivan Voras (ivoras@) nous livre la première version d’un démon destiné à synchroniser deux systèmes de fichiers de manière plus économique et élégante que le classique rsync. Le principe est simple, basée sur kqueue (culture again), le démon adfs -c’est son nom- contrôle l’état des fichiers à répliquer et en fait une copie en “quasi” temps réel, lorsque ces derniers ont été modifiés. Bien que peu performant sur un très grand nombre de fichiers, cette application semble bien se comporter avec un petit nombre de fichiers (quelques dizaines de milliers ?!). Il est possible de récupérer la version courante du code, mais la version en ligne ne sera maintenue à jour que si des utilisateurs semblent intéressés. Avis aux amateurs.

Official Google Mac Blog: Mac OS X 10.5.3: sync Google Contacts

by kasi77
We're happy to tell you that starting today, it's easier to sync up your contact lists. The Address Book application in Mac OS X 10.5.3 now lets iPhone users sync their Address Book with Google Contacts. To try it, go to the Address Book menu, choose Preferences, and then check Synchronize with Google. It’ll ask for your Google account and password, then automatically update your contacts every time you sync your iPhone.

May 2008

sfSyncClusterPlugin - symfony - Trac

by kasi77
The sfSyncClusterPlugin introduces a symfony sync-cluster task. The symfony sync-cluster task is intended as a replacement for the symfony sync task. While the plugin is backwards-compatible with symfony sync (they even use the same configuration files) this plugin offers several advantages over a traditional symfony sync. The symfony sync-cluster task: * Synchronizes a Symfony application across an unlimited number of servers. Symfony's sync only works for a single server. * Clears the Symfony cache on each server with a symfony cc. Doing this with sync requires an additional command. * Allows you to use ssh public/private keyfile authentication so you won't be prompted for a password during long deployments. * Allows you to deploy your web assets to a CDN without having to copy your entire site. The sfSyncCluster currently supports standard rsync transfer and transfer to Amazon S3. * Allows you to specify groups of servers to sync. If you have many servers, you can place them into logical groups and move them around quickly.

April 2008

Google Calendar Sync, synchronisez Outlook avec Google Agenda | Benoit Descary

by camel
Google Calendar Sync est une nouvelle application offerte par Google qui permet de synchroniser Outlook avec votre Agenda Google. Vous pouvez paramétrer l’application pour obtenir une synchronisation unidirectionnelle ou bidirectionnelle. Comme la plupart des services de Google, Google Calendar Sync est gratuit.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag sync

api +   application +   applications +   browser +   calendar +   cool +   extension +   extensions +   firefox +   gmail +   google + +   microsoft +   outlook +   software +   tools +   windows +