public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag standard

November 2009

October 2009

camen design · Video for Everybody!

by nhoizey & 11 others
"Video for Everybody is very simply a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 <video> element which offers native playback in Firefox 3.5 and Safari 3

OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Document Overview

by Xavier Lacot
The W3C published 2 days ago the OWL2 Recommendation, made by 12 documents. A great step further in SW technologies, 5 years after the first OWL Recommendation !

Lecteur Flash compatible avec l'API video de HTML 5 -

by nhoizey
"page qui affiche une vidéo avec l'élément video si le navigateur le supporte, sinon un Flash, voire un texte alternatif s'il n'a aucun des deux"

August 2009

Why CSS needs delegation capabilities and not “variables” at Everything In Between

by nhoizey
"the Advanced Layout and the Grid Positioning modules are doing some of the right things in many of the wrong ways. Both those modules add unnecessary complexity to CSS without giving designers a natural way to say what they mean"

June 2009

Les e-mails en HTML c'est difficile

by nhoizey
Ce n'est pas nouveau comme le montre ce workshop du W3C de 2007, et ça ne va pas dans le bon sens avec Outlook 2010... :-(

May 2009

HTML5 isn't a standard yet - W3C Q&A Weblog

by night.kame, 3 comments

I did notice however several mentions of the "HTML5 standard" that led me to write this post to remind the community of the current status of the specification, both in practice and on the standards track.. HTML5 isn't a W3C standard. We certainly look forward to the day when it is, but it isn't yet. In fact, the specification, co-authored by Ian Hickson from Google, is still very much a work in progress.

Rappelons que HTML5 est le format "sérialisé à la SGML" du document, pour le standard on devrait écrire HTML 5 (mais Google a plus de mal à le trouver dans ce cas). Et Hickson nous rappelle dans les commentaires comment il peut être pragmatique (cf. hier).

April 2009

Welcome to OKKAM - Enabling the Web of Entities — The OKKAM Project Workspace

by ycc2106
The OKKAM project aims at enabling the Web of Entities, namely a virtual space where any collection of data and information about any type of entities (e.g. people, locations, organizations, events, products, ...) published on the Web can be integrated into a single virtual, decentralized, open knowledge base

Alkaline - Litmus

by nhoizey
Alkaline tests your website designs across 17 different Windows browsers right from your Mac desktop in seconds. No need for virtual machines, Windows licenses, or any messing around with Windows Update.

March 2009

JabRef reference manager

by parmentierf & 3 others
JabRef is an open source bibliography reference manager. The native file format used by JabRef is BibTeX, the standard LaTeX bibliography format. JabRef runs on the Java VM (version 1.5 or newer), and should work equally well on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

February 2009

When can I use...

by xibe

Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies

Baume au cœur

by nhoizey
C'est toujours agréable qu'une pointure française du Web moderne approuve ma façon de penser ! (Lisez l'article et les commentaires, au passage)

January 2009

Official Google Data APIs Blog: Bringing OpenID and OAuth Together

by nhoizey & 2 others
The Hybrid Protocol is a result of the ongoing effort by the OpenID and OAuth communities to make these protocols more useful for users and websites. Google is working together with the OpenID community to standardize the new protocol as a formal OpenID extension.

Safe C String Library v1.0.3 (January 30, 2005)

by parmentierf (via)
The goal of the SafeStr library is to provide a rich string-handling library for C that has safe semantics yet interoperates with legacy library code in a straightforward manner. Additionally, porting code that uses standard C string handling should be straightforward. The library should work on all modern Unix-like platforms, as well as any 32-bit Microsoft Windows OS. The overt security goals of the library are as follows: 1. Buffer overflows should not be possible when using the API. 2. Format string problems should be impossible when using the API. 3. The API should be capable of tracking whether strings are "trusted", a la Perl's taint mode. The API is meant to provide rich functionality and be easy to use, all the while improving security.

Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0)

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
Sure the most funny IETF RFC that I have been given to read. This document specifies a Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP), based on HTTP, which permits the full request and responses necessary to control all devices capable of making the popular caffeinated hot beverages.

How to include a thumbnail in the HTML of a page (Scripting News)

by benoit & 1 other

Le standard de facto pour associer une image à une page web.

Nouveau TODO pour Blogmarks.

HTML is soooo dead

by nhoizey
Voilà un site de partage de photo, vidéo, musique et blog qui a tout de ses classiques concurrents faits en HTML, mais c'est du full Flash. Bin oui, pourquoi faire KISS quand on peut faire compliqué, non standard, inaccessible, lent, compatible IE6, etc. ?

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag standard

apml +   balise +   cebdev +   format +   gp:links +   h1 +   h2 +   html +   humain +   identité +   marketing +   personne:Stéphane_Deschamps +   profiling +   protocole +   référencement +   réseau social +   seo +   sémantique +   structure +   web +   xml +