public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag somethingbeautiful

April 2009


by blackgoldfish
Everything the creative soul needs to make their own journal, photo album or scrapbook. Contents vary, but typical kit includes vintage paper, old buttons, postage stamps, ribbon, twine, tags, labels, mini envelopes and more, housed in a beautiful cigar box. Kit also includes two book boards, pre-cut, pre-drilled and covered in vintage paper, and two antiqued rings to bind it all together.

Real Wedding: Jayme + Chris

by blackgoldfish
The colors: mossy green and saffrony orange and pretty sky blue, are perfect and unexpected…


by blackgoldfish
鳳珍,前花草遊戲雜誌副主編,我不常見面但很有得聊的朋友,在這不景氣人人緊守工作崗位的時候,選擇了牽著腳踏車,開起她的“茉莉花園“ 在哪裡?淡水榕堤餐廳附近 每個星期五

b is for book

by blackgoldfish
When our son C was born, my husband's family put together a bag full of favorite children's books. Each person in the family chose a book, and wrote a little note explaining why they had picked it and what they hoped C would learn from it. It was such a thoughtful gift, and almost five years later, many of those books are my son's favorites.

March 2009

Barbara Kingsolver

by blackgoldfish
"It's surprising how much memory is built around things unnoticed at the time." Barbara Kingsolver


by blackgoldfish
走到Monet 的Water Lilies中央,看著他漫延輕步,淺白的陽光反射,沉默細語的湖面,幽暗間的疑惑,被覆蓋上一片一片串連的細蓮葉子,不動聲息滑過水面,走一少步,停著,不經意間踏了另一小步,寂靜,依著水流,劃過了心境起伏不停的情緒,片刻喘息,最後,沉睡在那一片深藍。

you are my woman

by blackgoldfish
"this painting is inspired by Garbo and Riley, the cats who share our home. And the title is a bit of an inside joke in our family. Riley seems to love Garbo, and of course in true cat fashion, she seems to want nothing to do with him...but we think she's just playing coy. Secretly she loves him."


by blackgoldfish
"挖一瓢放在燒熱的平底鍋上,一片一片圓形的麵糊,慢慢烙上漂亮的蜜糖色印記。沒錯,這是自製麵粉糊做出來的鬆餅。" "也許春天就該帶著一種若有似無、淡淡的甜蜜香氣呢。" 鬆餅糊不難喔, 兩個人份七片薄餅是用中筋或低筋麵粉兩杯加上牛奶一杯加上一顆蛋拌勻後幾滴香草精調勻後 做成的


by blackgoldfish
"當一個人的生命確切地踏實在另一個人的心地上,這份所思所感,會在記憶中留下戳記,反應在現實生活中,成為一條索引。愛吃不愛吃什麼、看了哪一部電影會捧腹大笑、哪一位詩人的作品曾讓你在第一時間想起對方.......那作用,等同我慣常在書頁上圈記著一個又一個詞彙、折下一頁又一頁閱覽的瞬間。關鍵字一旦多了起來,就能裝訂成冊;一本不折不扣的備忘指南。 所謂的個人使用說明書,是否就是這麼一回事?撰寫的人不只是自己,有時也參雜了不同於己的人生意見。至少接下來我所書寫的故事中,肯定少不了柔光說過的話。"

February 2009

LollyChop's take on the punched butterflies

by blackgoldfish
For this project I used: Colorful paper (you can use scraps from catalogs (the covers are best), scrapbook paper, paper samples, etc... 2 Martha Stewart butterfly punches (seen below) Zots 3D-Dots (foam sticky squares) Cardstock paper Picture frame with 3D mat board

by its cover

by blackgoldfish
"when I'm searching for a new read, I admit I'll pick up a book because the cover is artistic and inviting. "


by blackgoldfish (via)
awesome photoblog dedicated to color palettes


by blackgoldfish
「在新西蘭的奧克蘭群島對出的海底,那條好奇的南脊美鯨(Southern right whale),看來是第一次看見人類,就這樣在Brian的助理身旁打轉。不講是非,不懂仇恨,不懂害人,也不懂為明天擔憂,牠龐大身軀背後的簡單單純,令牠曾經瀕臨絕種,親手殺絕牠們的,是你,也是我。」

When you love someone,

by blackgoldfish
you pick up the little things and magically turn them into something special.