public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag social.bookmarking

2008 - Le digg-like sur le design et la création web / A la une

by cascamorto & 1 other, un digg-like sur l'identité visuelle et le développement web.

Bookmarks .fr : Conservez, partagez et taggez vos sites favoris

by cascamorto & 11 others va vous permettre d'enregistrer en ligne vos sites favoris ("bookmarks" en anglais), de les retrouver rapidement grâce aux tags, de les partager avec les autres membres et d'en découvrir de nouveaux.


5 services pour partager du code source en ligne | Simple Entrepreneur

by cascamorto
Cette petite sélection n’a d’autre but que de vous faire découvrir des services en ligne très pratiques pour les développeurs web. Ces sites permettent en effet d’échanger et de partager des morceaux de code source sur Internet. Ils s’avèrent donc très utiles lorsqu’on cherche une solution à un problème de programmation et que le seul moyen de le résoudre est de demander conseil à d’autres personnes.

List of social software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by cascamorto & 2 others
This is a list of notable social software: selected examples of social software products and services that facilitate a variety of forms of social human contact.

250 sites de bookmarking, la liste !

by cascamorto & 3 others
La grande majorité en anglais mais commencons par les français : France

Social bookmarking service. Fast tagging and posting to all major social websites -

by cascamorto & 3 others
Social bookmarking is a powerful tool in promoting a website. But going through all of those social bookmarking sites is very time-consuming and downloading all toolbars is madness! That's where comes in, the free service designed to reduce the time and effort needed to socially bookmark a website.

thagoo/ - Social bookmarking search engine

by cascamorto & 3 others
thagoo is a tagged search engine who search on millions of user's categorized favorite links using the most popular social bookmark sites as sources. - Find Web Sites & Build Community Online

by cascamorto & 45 others
Discover, share and discuss the best of the web. Join Us or Learn More.


*** Amateur de signets sociaux voici Pocket! ***

by cascamorto
Pocket est un service de signets sociaux qui n’est pas nouveau mais que j’ai découvert hier sur Digg. Personnellement, je trouve l’approche de Pocket très intéressante. Contrairement à, Pocket utilise une interface simple et limpide. Plutôt que d’utiliser des liens textuels, Pocket affiche sur votre page d’accueil de petites icônes des sites que vous mettez en signet. Donc visuellement, cette forme de signets sociaux pourrait être plus attrayante pour certains utilisateurs qui trouvent l’approche de trop gogolienne.

by cascamorto & 6 others
Centralisez vos fils d'actualité RSS / ATOM / RDF à un seul endroit. Toute votre actu, en un clin d'oeil. Découvrez les flux les plus suivis du moment, et les news les plus populaires. Stockez vos favoris à un seul endroit, et retrouvez les depuis n'importe quel ordinateur. Partagez et découvrez de nouveaux sites à chaque instant, les nouveaux comme les plus populaires.

Clipmarks | Discover the web, clipped by people

by cascamorto & 29 others (via)
Clipmark is a bookmark manager with the unique feature of saving pieces of a web page (clip) instead of a screenshot or link only.

PreFound - search what people have already found

by Mital & 1 other (via) is designed to provide a platform for you to download the PFfinder toolkit for use in processing information, and sharing the information with others. Additionally, provides a place for you to upload the information you find to a central location, which will in turn be searchable on the site. This will allow everyone to “search what has already been found”, rather than start every search from scratch. Think of as the ultimate search blog. A place to see and share information you and others have found. When you search the internet you’re searching for the information as if no one has ever done a search like yours before. Unless you’re searching for something really obscure, you can bet the information you’re looking for has been searched for in the past, by a lot of people, and they’ve already found a load of good stuff about it … but you don’t get the benefit of their searching!

PreFound - search what people have already found

by cascamorto & 1 other is designed to provide a platform for you to download the PFfinder toolkit for use in processing information, and sharing the information with others. Additionally, provides a place for you to upload the information you find to a central location, which will in turn be searchable on the site. This will allow everyone to “search what has already been found”, rather than start every search from scratch. Think of as the ultimate search blog. A place to see and share information you and others have found. When you search the internet you’re searching for the information as if no one has ever done a search like yours before. Unless you’re searching for something really obscure, you can bet the information you’re looking for has been searched for in the past, by a lot of people, and they’ve already found a load of good stuff about it … but you don’t get the benefit of their searching!

Je digg, tu digg, nous diggons !

by cascamorto
Voici 3 clônes français de Digg, qui viennent de voir le jour : TapeMoi, ScooPeo et le tout tout nouveau Fuzz (cf.

*** BlinkList ***

by cascamorto & 114 others
BlinkList is a very fast, powerful and easy to use your online bookmarking manager. Screw folders, BlinkList works the same way the human mind operates. Using tagging, a tag manager, and the ability to star your favorites (tags, links and users) and links, BlinkList offers a far superior way to save, share, and access all the content you discover online.

*** Clipmarks ***

by cascamorto & 41 others
When you find something on the web that you want to save or share, you probably bookmark the page. But you usually don't want the whole page, right? Maybe you just want a couple of paragraphs from a news article, a photo, a recipe, or an excerpt from a blog post. With Clipmarks you can clip and save just the stuff you want from any web page.



by cascamorto & 99 others, 1 comment (via)
Ning is the easiest way to create your own social web apps on the Internet today. And it's free!

Hot Links

by cascamorto & 28 others
Social bookmarking based on blogmarks

Active users

last mark : 09/09/2008 18:15

last mark : 21/03/2007 09:19

last mark : 22/01/2006 23:52