public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags "social networking" & marketing


Learning, and Profiting, from Online Friendships

by pac-recrutement
Companies are working fast to figure out how to make money from the wealth of data they're beginning to have about our online friendships



by PêUR
Busineo permet aux utilisateurs enregistrés de cibler rapidement le bon interlocuteur professionnel et d’acquérir des coordonnées professionnelles pertinentes précises. Le service permet également l’échange, l’achat ou la vente de Contacts dans le cadre des offres et formules d’abonnement proposées.


Zatsit! - Z Blog

by kifleb
Serving as a one-stop shop for viewing the latest and greatest products, ideas and services in a multitude of categories, Zatsit! (That's It!) provides a completely cost-free platform for visionaries, artists, entrepreneurs and philanthropists to get high visibility for their creative, yet uniquely intuitive products, ideas, and services.


Fast Pitch

by cdevore
Fast Pitch! is an online network that gives business professionals a destination to market and promote their business effectively (i.e. make their “pitch”). The Fast Pitch approach 'cuts to the chase' by allowing people to quickly identify qualified leads, pass referrals and generate business. Through a variety of services and networking events, Fast Pitch has facilitated over 1 million introductions for business professionals across the United States since 2004.

Active users

last mark : 25/05/2009 11:45

last mark : 13/11/2008 19:50

last mark : 19/02/2007 19:34

last mark : 01/09/2006 14:36