public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag regexp

February 2006

January 2006

Learning to Use Regular Expressions

by YukuanMark & 10 others
After you complete this tutorial you will have seen the basics (and a bit of some advanced topics) of regular expressions. The best thing to do next is to start using them in real-life problems. The first thing to look at is the documentation that accompa

December 2005

Expressions régulières : aide-mémoire

by pyxosledisciple & 13 others (via)
Petit viatique en français pour se promener dans les expressions régulières.

MochiKit regexp visualizer

by ecmanaut
Ah, I didn't remember the provisions for paren match locations were as bad as they are, and for solving the generic case with some guarantee on upper bound execution time I might be prepared to agree.<br><br>I might try a solution that will in practice of

November 2005

October 2005

September 2005

by Riduidel & 2 others
The Regulator is an advanced, free regular expressions testing and learning tool. It allows you to build and verify a regular expression against any text input, file or web, and displays matching, splitting or replacement results within an easy to unders

August 2005

A Tao of Regular Expressions

by daocren & 6 others
基本正则简洁 简单sed awk

lf53, UNIXBasics: Regular Expressions

by daocren
讲解egrep grep perl的入门文章

Regular Expression Tutorial

by daocren

July 2005