public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag recording

July 2006

A Simple Explanation of Dithering For Musicians

by MasteringCentral
Get the most out of your music mastering by understanding what exactly your mastering engineer does to make your music sound great! Find-out what dithering is and why it's needed.

June 2006


by DianeShen

The Difference Between Mixing and Mastering

by MasteringCentral
Discover the difference between mixing and mastering -- and why they are so important to having a success record!

Affordable Music Mastering: 5 Ways To Get The Most Bang For Your Buck

by MasteringCentral
You don't have to hire the best mastering engineer to get an amazing final result. Discover 5 tips to getting the best possible master with an affordable mastering studio!

How Important Is Mastering for Vinyl Records?

by MasteringCentral
Should you put your record on Vinyl? Discover why Vinyl is so important in the release of your record!

April 2006


by ycc2106 & 11 others
TAPEFAILURE is a "history recording tool." What this means is that anyone can record a browsing session using TAPEFAILURE's recorder, then save it, and share it with others. Each recorded session can be played back virtually perfectly through our playback tool; as long as you know the tape ID or have a link, you can view your recorded session over and over again.

March 2006

February 2006

vsound - A Virtual Audio Loopback Cable

by phgod
此軟件能夠把經過 Linux /dev/dsp 輸出的聲音儲存為 wav 檔案,之後便可用 mp3 encoder 再變成 mp3。亦即是說,在 Linux 上任何發聲軟件的聲音都可以錄存起來。

quiet american

by zboog
Field recordings made in Vietnam.