public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag réalisme

February 2010

ignore the code: Realism in UI Design

by Spone
The history of the visual design of user interfaces can be described as a gradual change towards more realism. As computers have become faster, designers have added increasingly realistic details such as color, 3D effects, shadows, translucency, and even simple physics. Some of these changes have helped usability. Shadows behind windows help us see which window is active. The physicality of the iPhone’s user interface makes the device more natural to use.

January 2010

ignore the code: Realism in UI Design

by nhoizey
"Graphical user interfaces are full of symbols. Symbols need to be reduced to their essence. This helps avoid cluttering the user interface with meaningless distractions, and makes it easier for people to «read» the symbol and figure out the meaning of an interface element."

January 2009

May 2008

March 2008

Cap Digital - Projet - ProjectAffectiveAvatars

by CharlesNepote
Animation comportementale d’avatars anthropomorphiques. Développement d’une nouvelle génération d'Avatars expressifs et affectifs animés en temps réel et pilotés à la voix : humaniser les avatars qui nous représentent dans les mondes virtuels.

Active users

last mark : 07/02/2010 16:46

last mark : 22/01/2010 09:58

last mark : 16/01/2009 21:48

last mark : 21/05/2008 19:49