public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag psychology

December 2006

November 2006

October 2006

September 2006

August 2006

Only Using Part of Your Brain? Think Again

by YukuanMark
When ferrets watch the mind-bending movie The Matrix, brain activity is only slightly higher than when they stare at nothing. Scientists say this might mean something about how much of your brain is in use.


by YukuanMark
我總會有時候什麼事都做不了。 我當然還是會去上班,不過卻是到處閒逛,每10秒就收一次信,逛逛網站,甚至做些付信用卡帳單之類不用動腦的事。什麼都做就是沒法子進入狀況回來寫程式。

July 2006