public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag presse

September 2012

the new

by gregg
Today we are pleased to give everyone a little sneak peak of the soon to be released The project took over a year to complete, involved all departments within Fi from strategy to UX to design to development, and was spear-headed by the desire to radically re-imagine the way users interact with news online. The new innovative page-turning model of the website allows users to flip through pages while reading articles, changing the experience of reading news online to that of reading a digital magazine. It also allows for large and immersive interactive ads that support video between the news pages – modernizing the canvas for digital advertising.

August 2012

July 2012

June 2012

Le Numérique d’abord, seul moyen de sauver les vieux médias | Metamedia

by Monique

« Le Numérique d’abord » ! C’est ainsi que s’est rebaptisé un des plus grands groupes de presse américain pour afficher sa détermination à « se réinventer complètement » pour survivre. Et ça a l’air de marcher !

May 2012

April 2012

March 2012

February 2012

Give Me Something To Read

by gregg
A hand-picked selection of the finest articles and essays saved with Instapaper.

Longreads: The best long-form stories on the web

by gregg
Longreads are changing the way people read online. They’re stories that are best enjoyed away from your desk — whether it’s on a daily commute, an airplane, a subway, or your couch. It’s in-depth stories, perfect for the iPad, iPhone or Kindle, and apps like Instapaper, Flipboard, Readability and Read It Later. Longreads posts links to new stories every day — they include long-form journalism, magazine stories from your favorite publications (The New Yorker, Esquire, The Atlantic), short stories, interview transcripts, and even historical documents. (For the record: Longreads are typically more than 1,500 words.)

Send Me A Story

by gregg
One Story Every Week By Email.


by gregg posts new and classic non-fiction articles, curated from across the web, that are too long and too interesting to be read on a web browser. We recommend enjoying them using read later services like Instapaper and Read It Later and feature buttons to save articles with one click. Launched in April 2010, has been featured by Slate, New York Magazine, The Guardian, and others.

January 2012

December 2011

W.I.P. (Work In Progress) » Quelles tendances pour 2012?

by Monique

Au rayon journalistico-numérique, les paris sont ouverts sur les mutations qui vont marquer l’année à venir. Sur quoi miser?

November 2011

October 2011

September 2011

August 2011

W.I.P. (Work In Progress) » Information venue du Web, check!

by Monique

Comment être sûr qu’un témoignage, publié sur un réseau social, est authentique? Comment s’assurer qu’une image n’est pas un photomontage ou un vieux cliché ressorti des limbes? En glanant, sur le Web , des éléments pour couvrir l’actualité en temps réel, les journalistes doivent repérer les «fakes», ces faux (messages, photos, vidéos, comptes) qui cohabitent, en ligne, avec de vraies infos.

July 2011

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag presse

actualites +   annonces +   articles +   commentaires +   communiqué +   compte-rendus +   cv +   etcc +   histoires +   information +   news +   nouvelles +   rapports +   story +