public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag police


The League Of Moveable Type

by emmanuelc & 16 others
A foundry and hand-picked collection of Open-source typography

Open Baskerville

by emmanuelc
Welcome to Open Baskerville, an open source project to create a digital revival of the famous ‘Baskerville’ typefaces. To be precise, Open Baskerville is based upon Fry’s Baskerville, a Baskerville-inspired derivative created by Isaac Moore, a punchcutter who worked for the type foundry of Joseph Fry. The font is dual-licensed under the Open Font License and the GNU GPL version 3.


by emmanuelc & 2 others
OpenDyslexic is a new open sourced font created to increase readability for readers with dyslexia. The typeface includes regular, bold, italic and bold-italic styles. It is being updated continually and improved based on input from dyslexic users. There are no restrictions on using OpenDyslexic outside of attribution.


by rmaltete
Fabrication polices sous iPad

Web Font Specimen

by emmanuelc & 4 others
Real web type in real web context Web Font Specimen is a handy, free resource web designers and type designers can use to see how typefaces will look on the web. Debuted in a special issue of A List Apart, Web Font Specimen is now in its second iteration.


Comic Sans Project

by emmanuelc
We are the Comic Sans defenders. We fear no fonts and we will make the whole world Comic Sans. Because Helvetica is sooo 2011

Open Font Library

by emmanuelc & 8 others
The mission of the Open Font Library is to promote your freedoms as it relates to the use of type. All of the fonts that appear on this site come with the freedom to use, study, share and remix them.

Online Font Converter

by emmanuelc & 4 others
The Online Font Converter converts fonts to/from: .pdf .dfont .eot .otf .pfb .tfm .pfm .suit .svg .ttf .pfa .bin .pt3 .ps .t42 .cff .afm .ttc .woff

Convertisseur gratuit de fontes en ligne

by emmanuelc & 2 others (via)
Convertisseur de fontes en différents formats :pfa, pfb, pt3, sfd, ttf, otf, otb, t42, cef, cff, gsf, ttc, svg, ik, mf, dfont, bin, suit et bdf.


David Dufresne : « Chaque bataille de rue est comme un stage de perfectionnement pour la police » - Article11

by srcmax

On l’ignore souvent, mais le maintien de l’ordre à la française est considéré dans le monde entier comme un modèle à suivre. En parcourant le livre que le journaliste David Dufresne a consacré au sujet, Maintien de l’ordre, on comprend pourquoi : son tableau d’une machine aux rouages bien huilés, ne laissant rien au hasard, est aussi effrayant que captivant. Entretien.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag police

@font-face +   clevermarks +   dev +   extension +   firebug +   firefox +   fonte +   typekit +   web +