public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag php

July 2016

May 2016

April 2016

Lumen - PHP Micro-Framework By Laravel

by srcmax
Lightning fast micro-services and APIs delivered with the elegance you expect.

March 2016

WordPress and Laravel - Laravel News

by Spone
WordPress is one of the most popular open source applications and that means many people are comfortable using its admin to manage their site. There are times when building out a site this is advantageous as it prevents you from having to retrain the user on how to manage content, menus, photos, and more. A popular way of setting up a site like this is to use WordPress as the admin and then build out the frontend in a framework such as Laravel. Continuous PHP Performance Testing

by srcmax
Blackfire empowers all developers and IT/Ops to continuously verify and improve their app’s performance, throughout its lifecycle, by getting the right information at the right moment.

February 2016

Formations Systèmes et Réseau

by dszalkowski
Tout un ensemble de formations sur l'administration Réseau et Système ! Sécurité informatique, Chiffrement, PGP / GPG, Symantec Desktop Encryption. Le Scripting avec le Bash, Perl, PHP et PowerShell. Les solutions d'inventaire, de ticketing et de helpdesk avec OCS NG Inventory, GLPI, FusionInventory.

January 2016

October - The PHP platform that gets back to basics.

by srcmax & 1 other
October is a free, open-source, self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework. A simple and modular CMS that grows with you, with a precise and beautiful interface that comes as second nature.

December 2015

fzaninotto/Faker · GitHub

by srcmax & 1 other
Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you

November 2015

cviebrock/discourse-php · GitHub

by srcmax
A PHP class for helping with Discourse's SSO login


by srcmax
The world's easiest way to create high-quality APIs

October 2015

Fabien Potencier (SensioLabs) : "PHP 7 est à la hauteur de ce que j'attendais" - JDN

by srcmax
Le créateur du framework PHP Symfony est très satisfait des dernières évolutions du langage PHP. Fabien Potencier envisage aussi une levée de fonds aux Etats-Unis.


by dzc
This is a collection of known design patterns and some sample code how to implement them in PHP. Every pattern has a small list of examples (most of them from Zend Framework, Symfony2 or Doctrine2)

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag php

coding +   collaboration +   debugging +   syntax_highlighting +