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February 2008

Rails for PHP Developers

by -Nicolas- & 2 others (via)
This site serves as a supplement to the Rails for PHP Developers book published by The Pragmatic Programmers. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to add Rails as a tool to your development toolbox. If you’re proficient with PHP, you already have the essential skills needed to build web applications. This site will present an ongoing discussion of techniques for learning Rails and Ruby from a PHP perspective.

Class Inheritance with PHP

by chantal (via)
There are many benefits of inheritance with PHP, the most common is simplifying and reducing instances of redundant code. Class inheritance may sound complicated, but think of it this way. Consider a tree. A tree is made up of many parts, such as the roots that reside in the ground, the trunk, bark, branches, leaves, etc. Essentially inheritance is a connection between a child and its parent.

January 2008

December 2007

PayPal: New Solutions for PHP Developers

by chantal (via)
Episode 003: "PayPal: New Solutions for PHP Developers" * Speaker: Damon Williams * Topic: PayPal: New Solutions for PHP Developers * Release Date: 12/11/2007

Unit Testing in PHP

by chantal & 1 other (via)
Testing is an essential aspect of developing in any programming language. If you don't test your source code then how can you verify it works as expected? Manual testing can only be performed irregularly and usually only in limited ways. The answer to testing source code regularly, and in depth, is to write automated tests which can be frequently executed. In PHP such tests are usually written using a unit testing framework, a framework which allows the source code of any application or library to be tested as isolated units of functionality such as a single class or method. As unit testing has gained popularity, it has become a standard practice in PHP with libraries and frameworks such as Swiftmailer, the Zend Framework and Symfony all requiring unit test coverage of their source code.

November 2007

Cache it! Solve PHP Performance Problems [PHP & MySQL Tutorials]

by chantal & 4 others
In the good old days when building web sites was as easy as knocking up a few HTML pages, the delivery of a web page to a browser was a simple matter of having the web server fetch a file. A site's visitors would see its small, text-only pages almost immediately, unless they were using particularly slow modems. Once the page was downloaded, the browser would cache it somewhere on the local computer so that, should the page be requested again, after performing a quick check with the server to ensure the page hadn't been updated, the browser could display the locally cached version. Pages were served as quickly and efficiently as possible, and everyone was happy.

Universite de Montreal - Cours - IFT1147

by cascamorto
XHTML - PHP - Bases de donnees - MySQL - Ajax Consulter aussi mes exemples :

October 2007

Open Source Free Scripts Software Directory ASP PHP Perl CGI CMS Content Management

by cascamorto
# ASP ASP # ASP.NET ASP.NET # C & C C & C # Delphi & Kylix Delphi & Kylix # Java Java # JavaScript JavaScript # Perl Perl # PHP PHP # Python Python # Unix Shell Unix Shell # Visual Basic Visual Basic # Other Tool Services Tools & Services

Alsacréations Cours et tutoriels HTML, CSS et standards Web

by cascamorto & 44 others
Exercices de style avec (X)HTML et CSS Bienvenue sur le site des tutoriels Alsacréations, consacré aux Standards du Web et plus particulièrement aux feuilles de style CSS. nouveau sur le site ?Les styles CSS sont un complément du langage HTML (ou XHTML) prevu pour gérer toute la mise en forme de la page. Cela va de l'esthétique (couleurs, typographie) à la fonctionnalité (positionnement, structure, navigation). A travers de nombreux exemples pratiques et cas concrets, Alsacréations vous propose de découvrir toutes les possibilités offertes par ces feuilles de style. Si vous êtes nouveau ou perdu sur le site, n'hésitez pas à consulter le Plan du site, qui est un sommaire général de tous les articles présents. - Editeurs XHTML & PHP & CSS

by cascamorto
Editeur CSS : CSSED Editeur CSS : JustStyle Editeur CSS : TopStyles Lite CSS Tab Designer 2 Editeur XHTML, PHP, CSS : AlleyCode Editeur XHTML & PHP : PSPad Editeur XHTML & PHP : Syn Editeur XHTML & PHP : Notepad++ Editeur XHTML & PHP : Context

Web Developer's Virtual Library

by cascamorto & 7 others
Web Development Tutorials and Resources including JavaScript, HTML, PHP, ASP, favicon, Perl, Flash and more!!

September 2007


by topdos & 76 others
Open-Source PHP Web Framework

July 2007

Learn List

by cascamorto & 10 others
ressources gratuites et de qualité pour améliorer vos connaissances sur différents logiciels ou langage de programmation... Flash, Photoshop, Fireworks, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, ActionScript, PHP, CSS, XML

June 2007

99 Bottles of Beer | Start

by sdaclin
Déclinaison du même programme en plus de 1000 langages.

Hello world - Wikipédia

by sdaclin & 1 other
Déclinaison du fameux Hello World connu de tous les informaticiens en divers langages de programmation.

Les variables d'environnement - Collecter des informations sur le visiteur -

by cascamorto
Tout un tas d'informations sur le visiteur sont disponibles en interrogeant le serveur et sont utiles à sa reconnaissance, au traitement des statistiques de fréquentation et à l'adaptation du site aux caractéristiques particulières de chaque navigateur...

Know your regular expressions

by sdaclin & 1 other
Une très bonne présentation des outils qui aident à créer ses expressions régulières

Le PHP Facile

by -Nicolas- & 1 other (via)
Le PHP Facile est un site principalement destiné à l'apprentissage du langage PHP.

Le Potlatch

by Emaux & 1 other
Explorateur maniaque des nouvelles technologies, Le Caphar travaille dans le monde alternatif de l'économie sociale. Il fabrique et anime des sites et des applications en ligne. > portfolio Web. Son appétit de création s'étend à la musique, à la photographie au à la conception de jeux vidéo.

PhpConcept - Le site des concepteurs de programmes en PHP

by Emaux
PhpConcept est un site destiné aux concepteurs de programmes en PHP et langages associés (mySQL, ...)

May 2007