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PUBLIC MARKS with tag photoshop

November 2013

Warin Créations – Blog: Les pépites du web #3

by LuciferX
Voici une nouvelle sélection fort utile avec cette 3ème édition sur les pépites du web.

October 2013

Google Webdesigner

by Paykhan & 1 other
Un outil pour animation motion design par Google

September 2013

Les pépites du web #1

by LuciferX
Lancement d’une toute nouvelle catégorie sur le blog, il s’agit d’une sélection de ressources de très bonnes qualités ayant attiré mon attention et qui méritent un coup d’œil.

Discovering Sketch — Design/UX — Medium

by sbrothier (via)
During my last trip to San Francisco for the WWDC 2013, I have been lucky enough to meet great people from all over the world that are dedicated and passionate about building better experiences and better tools for designer.

July 2013

Creating a Transparent tiff in Photoshop CS3 to use in Illustrator

by sbrothier
When you have selected your layer (which you intend on being one colour) cut and paste it into a new document and make it grayscale, (settings should be resoulution: 200, colour mode: greyscale) Paste it into the new document then make it a bitmap, (output: 200 Method: Halftone Screen) click OK. For halftone Screen settings(frequency 55, Angle :25, Shape: ellipse) Click OK, then save as a tiff. Your settings should be (Image compression: LZW, Pixek order:Interleaved, Byte order: Macintosh) and that’s your tiff that can be brought into Illustartor and recoloured in any colour.


by sbrothier & 2 others
Dealing with grids in Photoshop is a pain With GuideGuide, it doesn’t have to be. Pixel accurate columns, rows, midpoints, and baselines can be created based on your document or selection with the click of a button. Frequently used guide sets can be saved for repeat use. Grids can use multiple types of measurements. Honestly, if you haven’t started downloading it by now, you’re probably a masochist. Weirdo…


by gregg & 2 others
Dealing with grids in Photoshop is a pain With GuideGuide, it doesn’t have to be.

June 2013

May 2013

Cursors, Pointers and Arrow Icons

by sbrothier & 1 other (via)
I looked everywhere for these icons. Turns out, they were on my machine all along, burried deep inside. I extracted each icon and threw them on a sheet in Illustrator for easy access. Each icon is sized proportionally so when you drag one into Photoshop as a smart object the icon defaults to it's actual size. If you own a Mac then you already have these icons on your machine here:

Page Layers - Website Screenshots For Mac OS X

by gregg (via)
Page Layers is a website screenshot app for Mac OS X. It converts web pages to Photoshop files with separate layers for all page elements.

April 2013

How to create abstract colorful background with bokeh effect in Photoshop

by fabifab (via)
How to create abstract colorful background with bokeh effect in Photoshop

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