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PUBLIC MARKS with tag pd





Guido Engine Library

by Emaux (via)
The GUIDO Music Notation Format is a formal language for score level music representation. It is a plain-text, i.e. readable and platform independent format capable of representing all information contained in conventional musical scores. The basic GUIDO Format is very flexible and can be easily extended and adapted to capture a wide variety of musical features beyond conventional musical notation (CMN). The GUIDO design is strongly influenced by the objective to facilitate an adequate representation of musical material, from tiny motives up to complex symphonic scores. GUIDO is a general purpose musical notation format; the intended range of application includes notation software, compositional and analytical systems and tools, performance systems, and large musical databases.


Programming Electronic Music in Pd

by Emaux
Pd was initiated by American software engineer Miller Puckette, who previous co-developed the well known and similarly structured software Max/Msp. Pd is not commercial software; i.e., it was not developed by a corporation and is not for sale. Instead, it is “open source”: its source code is not the (patented) property of a corporation, but is rather freely available to all. One drawback to this is that a detailed operating manual for users who lack programming experience has not existed until now. In contrast to a corporation— which has a monetary interest in ensuring that first-time users can easily operate new software—the open source movement lacks such a driving force to make itself accessible. This book is an attempt to fill that gap.


Le futur «Parti démocrate» de Bayrou existe déja

by & 1 other
François Bayrou va peut-être devoir changer l'appellation de son nouveau parti, un commercant cannois en revendique l'origine depuis 1981. TypeFaster Typing Tutor

by knann & 1 other (via)
Free and accessible typing tutor software. Teachers can confugure settings for each student.



by knann
It's a tool ... The dotReader is the "Swiss Army Knife" of e-book readers, a multi-function tool that is highly innovative and highly interactive. It's a community, a social networking tool... You are never alone when you use the dotReader. Be instantly connected and engaged to readers who share your interests. It's a library ... Content you download into the dotReader can be organized any way you wish - similar to the way you might organize and bookmark your favorite websites in your browser. However, not only can you search YOUR library, you can also search OTHER remote libraries from within the dotReader. Examples might include public libraries, publisher websites, eBook distributors, organizational documents, and others. Entire businesses can be built around this feature alone.

A Day in the Life of Web 2.0

by knann
An interesting article by David Warlick on the potential of Web 2.0 tools in schools.

Vaestro:  The Dialogue Driven Network

by knann
What's Vaestro? Vaestro is audio forum software that you can use on your website for free. Talk to your friends, host interactive podcasts, or use it like an audio blog. With Vaestro, everyone has a chance to speak and be heard. Direct Link:

List of social software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by knann & 2 others
Good list of Web 2.0 apps and sites. Check out the entry for Web 2.0 as well.

Web 2.0 Teaching Tools

by knann (via)
A blog devoted to any tools or websites for use in the classroom. Very new butshows a few interesting tools like Fleck.

The Complete Web 2.0 Directory

by knann & 86 others, 3 comments
Lots of web 2.0 applications to explore. Has most but not all!

Digital Pencil

by knann
Great collection of web 2.0 tools by an elementary school librarian.


by knann
Web collaboration, concept mapping, brainstorming tool that is very easy to use!


by knann & 1 other
Enter any url (Your blog?) and annote it. Fleck allows you to add a small note to any page on the web. Then you can send this annotated page to your friends or use it in your blog. Use it for researching the web?? Works best with Firefox


by knann & 1 other
Our aim is to give users the power of create, share, aggregate, and publish personalised content through a disruptive bottom-up approach to web media publishing. Webjam takes advantage of available applications and standard content formats to offer a set of intuitive site creation tools to our users and clients. Beta version

Participatory Media And The Pedagogy Of Civic Participation

by knann
Participatory media is changing the way we communicate, engage with media and each other and even our approaches to teaching and learning. The generation of digital natives - those that have grown up immersed in digital media - take all of this for granted. There is nothing strange, new or even transformative about the interactive, participative landscape of blogging, social networking and Web 2.0 Read/Write media for them. This is the very starting point, the background canvas on which they live their lives.

The Widget Box

by knann & 41 others
Widgetbox is an online directory of web widgets for blogs and other web pages. Our widgets work with TypePad, WordPress, Blogger, MySpace as well as most other blogs, sidebars or websites. No plug-ins are needed, and they're free! This is an easy way for teachers to get media onto static webpages.

Video Publishing Online: Where To Share Your Video Clips On The Web

by knann & 1 other
Places to store video for videocasting. Important for schools to look at since audio and video take a lot of disk space. iTunes and Internet Archive are other potential storage sites.

Teaching Hacks Wiki: RSS in Education

by knann & 1 other
A terrific resource of ideas and instructions on educational uses of RSS. Check out the rest of the wiki while you are here. Good info on photo sharing

Wiki Tools

by knann
A solid list of available wiki platforms and useful tools for maintaining a wiki. OMITS wikispaces which is a education wiki platform with very easy editing tools.

Ways to Use Wikis in Education

by knann
Simple list of ideas to help you get started

Westwood Wiki

by knann
The class wiki managed by Vicki Davis from Cool Cat Teacher Blog, K12 Wiki, and K12 Online Conference.


by knann
Screencasts of all kinds of Web 2.0 applications

Active users

last mark : 08/08/2016 00:22
last mark : 27/04/2007 14:07

last mark : 02/01/2007 11:13